UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 656]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Brawner, T. P., appointment, 310 Brawner, K. L., degree, 473 Bray, R. H., appointment, 334 Bray, W., appointments, 79, 362 Brayshaw, E. W., degree, 241 Brazitis, E., degree, 622 Bredlau, E. A., appointment, 385 Breeching for new stack, Boiler House Addition, 140 Breeding, G., appointment, 355 Breen, G. H., degree, 632 Breen, H. E., degree, 620 Breen, J. P., degree, 633 fellowship, 586 scholarship, 213 Bregenzer, H. A., degree, 268 Breithaupt, H. W., degree, 618 Breitowich, P., degree, 250 Brence, F. E., commission, 642 degree, 619 Brennan, Sister M . A., degree, 92 Brennan, M. E-, appointments, 79, 303 salary adjustment, 59 Brennan, M. J., degree, 626 Brenner, S., appointment, 356 Brentano, A., degree, 619 Brentlinger, J. W., degree, 619 Bretz, W . E., certificate, 639 Brewer, G. L., degree, 250 Brewer, W . A., degree, 252 Brezina, H. C , certificate, 267 Bridges, A. J., degree, 253 Bridges, D. E., degree, 254 Briggs, E. C , degree, 254 Briggs, F., appointment, 359 Briggs, M . M., degree, 241 Brigham, H, H-, Jr., commission, 642 degree, 613 Bright, 5., degree, 164 Brinck, G. J., degree, 256 Brines, P. C., Jr., degree, 241 Briney, E. M., appointments, 79, 324 Brinley, P. V., degree, 379 Brinn, W . E., Jr., degree, 473 Brissenden, H. C , degree, 94 Brissman, E. K., degree, 618 Bristow, L., appointment, 313 British Museum catalogues, purchase, 153, . 373 Bnttain, M. G., degree, 256 Britton, W . E., appointment, 346 Brizius, V. L., degree, 624 Broadshurst, T. J., appointment, 297 Brock, D. L., degree, 246 Brock, F. H., appointments, 79, 307, 479 Brody, HillW., degree, certificate,642 Broderick,G.CF.P.,degree,527 613 359 328 Brockmeier,absence,gift,621 324 339, 344 Brooks, of A., Jr.,appointments, Bronze busts, appointments, Bronstein, J.,D.,degree,626 79, Bronson,R. 162 degree, 270 362 Brokaw,B. .E., gift, commission, 363 Brodie, L. J.T., L., appointment, 526 Brock, G.W610degree,degree, 312 79, Broom, A. M., degree, 256 Brook C. E., appointment, Brodman, B., C.P.A. 9377 degree, I.E.,appointment, leave T. A., N., 106 140 J. A., appointments, N. G., degree, 531 B. M., F. Farm, 552 R., appointment, M., C., 146

Botany, cont'd. laboratory fees, 281 Botany and Materia Medica, budget, salary, 3<53 Bothwell, R. D., degree, 449 Bottenfield, A. L., degree, 78 Bottenfield, E. M., degree, 626 Bottoraley, J. A., degree, 94 Botulinum, investigation, 26, 469 Boudry, M. O., degree, 7 Bourgin, D. G., appointment, 313 Bourne, Edward G., degree, 620 Bourne, Enoch G-, appointment, 324 Bourne, R. M., degree, 633 scholarship, 212 Bouseman, G. D., degree, 94 Bovie, M. J., degree, 618 Bowen, J. L., degree, 624 Bowen, R. H., degree, 252 Bower, I. G., degree, 241 Bower, L. E., appointment, 369 Bower, O. K., appointments, 313* 549 Bowers, M., appointment, 301 Bowers, M. E., degree, 613 Bowes, K. D., degrees, 246, 632 scholarship, 212 Bowles, M. E,, degree, 254 Bowman, C. B., appointment, 367 Bowman, E. R., degree, 94 Bowman, H., appointments, 79, 324 Bowman, H. L., degree, 254 Bowman, M . P., degree, 256 Boyce, S. R., degree, 527 Boyd, A. M,, appointments, 346, 551 Boyd, B. E., degree, 251 Boyd, Mrs. E. F., appointments, 50, 278, 303 Boyd, T. H., degree, 623 Boyd, L. P., degree, 241 Boyd, R. F., degree, 246 Boyd, R. W., degree, 620 Boyd, W . W., degree, 613 Boyer, I. D., degree, 529 Boylan, C. E., degree, 146 Boysen, M., appointment, 321 Boysen, W . P. G., degree, 165 Brachtl, J., degree, 268 Brackebusch, F., scholarship, 587 Bradbury, C. E., appointment, 347 Bradbury, D. L., degree, 245 Bradford, L. P., degree, 164 Bradley, C. G-, appointment, 326 Bradley, C. J., appointments, 333, 341 Bradley, C. W., appointments, 109, 196, 307 degree, 162 Bradley, W . F., appointments, 50, 318, 451 Braming,C.R.C., ,degree, 249 250 322 Brake shoe H.,.323,256 613369expendable Braithwaite,E.,^engineering, 451 313* Brainard,W.187,degree,degree,613337 Brahana,W H.degree,appointment, 404 Braeuninger,L.,H.,appointments,319 549 gift Brady,tecturalM-,degree,26694605577 in archiBrandt, L.A. Mfrictiondegree, 530 Branch,H.,T.D,,appointment, 252 Brasfield, E. A.degree,640373, Brantley,L..J.,H-, L., 330, 254 Brannon,B., appointment,scholarship Braun, N. R., appointment, Braude,M. G., B., tests, Braucher, Plym foreign613 Brashaw,J. H, W H., degree, BraunsdorfT, C degree,624 Brauer, awarded H., R., fund, degree, 249 appointment, degree,