UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 655]

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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Blanke, A. R., decrees, 93, 623 Maszcienski, H. A., degree, 630 Blaszczenski, S. X., degree, 253 Blatt, B. L.t commission, 260 degree, 164 Blatt, G. N., Jr., degree, 164 Blatt, M . L., appointment, 369 Blatt, M . S., degree, 629 Blauner, W., degree, 268 Blayney, F. A., degree, 93 Blayney, J. R., appointments, 361 sick leave, 612 Blazer, R. S., degree, 613 Blazina, F. J., degree, 626 Bledsoe, W . A., degree, 161 Blee, E. L., degree, 164 Bliss, H. H., degree, 264 Bliss, R. H., degree, 6»7 Block, B. B-, degree, 640 Block, L. H „ appointment, 311 Blomquist, A. T., appointment, 168 Carr fellowship, 212 degree, 635 Blomquist, 5. M., degree, 626 Blood albumen in spray materials, investigation, 46 application for patent, 506 expendable gift fund, 332 Bloom, C. R-, certificate, 267 Bloom, I. L., Jr., degree, 252 Bloom, M., appointment, 310 Bloomfield, B., degree, 341 Bloomfield, E., degree, 247 Bloomfield, M., appointment, 368 Bloomquist, F. E., degree, 346 Blumenkamp, E. F., degree, 164 Blumenkamp, R. A., degree, 626 B'nai B'rith, library fund, 299 Board of Examiners in Accountancy, appointments, Ashman, L., 279 McGuinn, E. B., 60s Templeton, S. J., 2 C.P.A. certificates awarded, 24, 141, 151, 386, 525 Board of Trustees, amendments to By-Laws, 540, 553, 554, 560 budget, expense, 294 salary, 295 executive committee elected, 182, 540 officers, delegation of signatures, 540 elections, 182, 540 President pro tempore, 378 relation to Athletic Association, 403 standing committees, 195, 541 tribute to Mrs. Evans, 590 Bock,on,furnacegift fund,359 613 601 hearing Bobbin,WL.,.E.,degree,76256 448 appropriation, Bodman,C.appointment, 621 297 Boblenz,equipment, degree, 587, Boelio,S.,W.,A.,gift, Medical 26 Bobisch,drum, appointments, building, Boeker,E.R.H., appointment, Boekenhoff, F., degree,264323 Boe, 445 ChicagoP., degree, 308 Bodwell,E. A., 284departments,318 Bogart,L.G. appointment,626 Bohn, .S. K. refractories, Bohle,L.D. L., M., 504 94 Bohannon, R. degree, 248 Boikan, 401 degree, Boice, WH-,L., appointment, Boiler, G., J., degree, 241 Boiler retirement, degree, 021 expendable O. 621 355


Boiler gauge glass, gift, 504 Boiler House Addition, bids, 29 breeching for new stack, 140 contracts, air heater, 55 air-heater ducts, 97 general work, 99, 139 new stack, 54 smoke breeching, 108 stokers, 70 superstructure of stack, 54 electrical material purchased, 68 roofing materials, 189 setting of, 30 tubes, 30, 70, 71, 372 Boiler waters, investigation, 152, 188 expendable gift fund, 323, 329 research curtailed, 516 Bolle, L. M., degree, 241 Bolotin, G. G., degree, 78 Bolotin, M . T., appointment, 367 Bolton, W . M., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Bomze, E. J., degree, 638 Bond, E., appointments, 171, 346 Bond, N. D., degree, 473 Bonds, Babcock trust, 272 Baker prize fund, 48 Booth Fisheries, proceeds, 174 contribution to loan fund, 611 Dental Building, 424, 475, 487, 605 Illinois Orchard Co., report, 569 public utilities, status of, 567 surety, acceptance, 108 Treasurer's, approved, 202, 220, 533 premium, 294, 537, 546 proposal, 606 trust funds, reports, 44 Bone, J. H., appointments, 109, 451 Bone, R. G., degree, 631 Bones of teeth, research, expendable fund, -, J54 , Boneyard dredging, appropriation, 444 Bonin, G. von, appointment, 355 Bonk, A. C , degree, 619 Bonnett, E. C , degree, 613 Bonnett, O. T., appointment, 334 Booker, A. J., appointment, 303 retirement, 284 Bookkeeping machines, appropriation, 204 Books, gifts, 189, 206, 387, 611 Book shelving, purchase, 70 Boone, W . D., degree, 621 Boonstra, F. M., appointments, 79, 360 Boot, G. W., Jr., degree, 622 Booth, V. E., degree, 250 Booth, W . B., degree, 530 Boothsalary,MJr.,giftdegree,7instruction of, 174 Borden,D.,I.,E.213degree,use613 259 patent, Borchelt,K.,G.S.,appointment,361proceeds, 462 Bopp, A.C.W.,L.,M.,commission,404369 46231 Borg, M. budget,bonds, 164305 Bordner,G.636degree, 256digestion, Borchers,E.S.,49degree, instruction of, Borth,FisheriesP.,expense, 305 Borgers,129contract degree, 640 Borovsky,R. W., degree, 624472 Borovicka,241 W., appointment, Boruff, S. K.,cellulose 251 of Bosley, C. . Jr., for 626 Bost, P., A. contract for Bosenbury, 306 fund, Botany, 163 appointment, Boswell, R., E., degree, degree, L.. degree, fellowship, gift, expendable released,