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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 647 Allen, Frank Hedrick, appointments, 109, 403 American Society of Heating and Ventilating degree, 448 Engineers, agreements, 187, 221 Allen, G. D., degree, 626 consulting service to, 188 Allen, H. D., degree, 449 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Allen, H. K., appointments, 177, 403 agreement, 26 Allen, J. H., commission, 259 American Society for Testing Materials, degree, 247 agreement, 516 Allen, J. W., degree, 268 gift, 469 Allen, K. I., appointment, 315 American Terra Cotta Company, purchase of Allen, L. J., degree, 259 vases, 70 Allen, L. O., degree, 613 Ames, O. D., degree, 619 Allen, M . C , degree, 259 Amiel, J. H., appointments, 403, 549 Allen, M . U., degree, 241 Amino acids, nutritive importance, investiAllen, P. C , degree, 613 gations, 442, 596 Allen, R. F., degree, 247 expendable gift fund, 305 Allen, W . H., degree, 619 Amtman, L. E., appointment, 196, 367 Allergy, expendable fund, 354 Anaconda Wire Company, laboratory equipgifts for research in, 32, 371 ment purchased, 611 Allers, W . D., degrees, 245, 633 Analysis of University trust fund investAllerton, R., gjfts, 220, 577 ments, 231 Allerton American Traveling Scholarships, Anatomy, budget, expense, 354 awarded, 280, 60s salary, 355 fund, 365 laboratory fees, 281, 283 gifts for continuation, 220, 577 Anatomy Museum, special equipment, balance Alleyne, B. H., degree, 532 reappropriated, 285 Allison, L. E., appointments, 50, 335 Ander, O. F., degree, 163 Allison, R. H., degree, 379 Anderle, W . E., degree, 532 Almen, M . E. von, degrees, 258, 631 Anders, P., appointment, 307 Almquist, C. O., appointments, 134, 369 Andersen, H. M., degree, 246 Almy, G. M., appointments, 170, 326, 479, Andersen, P., degree, 635 550 Anderson, A. D., degree, 165 Alp, H. H., appointments, 336, 343 Anderson, A. G., appointment, 317 Alpert, S. G., degree, 618 degree, 265 Alpha Rho Chi, gifts, 221, 488 Anderson, A. M., appointment, 347 Alps, B. G-, degree, 470 Anderson, C. F., degree, 640 Alseth, H. J., appointment, 301 Anderson, C. R., appointment, 309 Alsterlund, J. F., degree, 613 Anderson, D. W., degree, 7 Althausen, D., degree, 529 Anderson, E-, appointment, 361 Altman, J. S., degree, 146 Anderson, E. R., degree, 638 Altringer, D. A., degree, 632 Anderson, Edward Emil, appointment, 302 Altschul, J., C.P.A. certificate, 386 Anderson, Edward Eric, appointment, 314 Alumni, standing committees, 195, 541 Anderson, E m m a E., degree, 628 Alumni Association, appointment of officers, Anderson, Edward M., degree, 629 502 Anderson, Ethel M., degree, 241 appropriation, 370 Anderson, G. L., fellowships, 233, 587 communication from 556 Anderson, G. S., degree, 640 Pharmacy, gift, 494 Anderson, H. B., degree, 165 proposed appropriation, 143 Anderson, H. D., degree, 527 student loan fund, 577 Anderson, H. W., appointment, 339 Alumni Foundation, committee, hearing, 128 Anderson, James A., commission, 259 reports, 144, 403, 447, 478 degree, 247 vacancies filled, 233 Anderson, Jeff A., appointment, 318 Alumni Fund Boards Student Emergency Anderson, J. C , appointment, 33s Loan Fund, 577 Anderson, K. P., degree, 256 Alumni News, appropriation, special, 364 Anderson, K. W., degree, 93 • Alumni P.B.,298560budget,Electrical550173,192 Ambrosius,fans, E., Company,gift, 611 gift, Ambler, Records,70 ofof . 449 purchase 74, 4°9 Andreae,P.,L.B.,appointments, 324 r192 Amacher, 554,H..Company,expense,325 121, 540, Anderson,.A.degree,degree,241246642 354 Alyea, fund, degree,Institution,gifts,renewed, Anderson,R.,S.,F.,appointment,247 3234' American S. D., Company,. 319,gifts, AmendmentsE.592 certificate,Engineers, of 206 Andris,R. V..C.P.A. 621 300contract, 141 Ambrose, 210 to By-Laws, 136,research funds, Andrews, 619H.,,appointment, 79> American E., appointments,contract294 44° salary,V. degree, Bridge 441 256 lease renewed, degree, 267145, loan 263 draft Medical Association, agreements, S53, Railway Association, Engineers, Angus, E.,C. I., appointments, 196 153 Concrete Company, contract, 388 Otologicalappointment, 187, Blower a Society Society, Can Seating Institute Civil Animal W J.355A.,E., certificate, 338, Anen, Anell, Hospitals,Company,268 151 degree, M. H., Jr., degree, salary,L.,0., degree, 937 J., A., degree, 621 Wappointment, certificate, P. E., degree, 623 R. degree,degree, M. C. budget, 621 S. H., commission, CL., degree, expense, V., C.P.A. 472 E„ 447 624 622
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