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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
62 board of trustees [September 17 ADDITIONAL FEDERAL COOPERATIVE F U N D (Smith-Lever Extension) Expense and equipment, to June 30, 1931, $10,400 Salaries 1. , Extension Specialist in Marketing (E) D 5 000 (Transferred from Capper-Ketcham, page 149, line 2.) 2. J. Ackerman, Assistant in Farm Management Extension (E).... D 1 600 (Transferred from Smith-Lever, page 145, line 25.) 3. , Specialist in Agricultural Economics with rank of Assistant Professor (E) D 4 000 (Transferred from Smith-Lever, page 145, line 29.) 4. , Assistants in Marketing and Agricultural Economics D 5 000 Total Salaries $15 600 On motion of Dr. Noble, the action of the President of the University in this matter was approved. SALARY OF ACTING DEAN W. S. MONROE OF THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (3) A report that I have asked Professor W . S. Monroe to continue as Acting Dean of the College of Education during the present academic year or until a successor to Dean Chadsey shall have been appointed. In view of the fact that Professor Monroe has been carrying the duties of the Deanship of the College of Education without a corresponding reduction of his other responsibilities, I have authorized an increase in his salary of $75 a month, effective April 15, 1930, and continuing as long as he serves as Acting Dean. O n motion of M r s . Evans, this action w a s approved. ROSELAWN CEMETERY (4) A request that Mr. Walter Riley be heard on the status of the negotiations for the purchase of Roselawn Cemetery. Mr. Riley made a statement concerning this matter. O n motion of M r s . Blake, the following resolution w a s adopted: B e it and it is hereby resolved b y the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that it exercise the option heretofore granted it to purchase the unsold lots in Roselawn Cemetery in C h a m p a i g n County, Illinois, for the price of $22,000 and that proper vouchers be issued in p a y m e n t therefor. B e it further resolved that in accepting conveyance of said premises the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois does not recognize the right of Roselawn Cemetery Association or a n y other person or corporation to limit its right to the m a n n e r in which it shall use the said unsold lots but on the contrary accepts title to said unsold lots subject only to such conditions as m a y be imposed b y the deed or deeds conveying the same. EXECUTIVE STAFF OF MCKINLEY HOSPITAL (5) A recommendation that Doctors J. H. Beard, V. A. Ross, and Maude Lee Etheredge be reappointed as the Executive Staff of the McKinley Hospital to serve from July 1, 1930, to July 1, 1931, in accordance with the policy adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 8, 1925 (Minutes, page 196). O n motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation w a s adopted.
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