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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Io/$o] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 59 PLANS FOR PRESIDENT'S HOUSE The Supervising Architect presented the completed drawings for the President's House and asked for authority to advertise for bids. He stated that these drawings had been developed without any material change either in plan or design from the studies formerly presented to the Board of Trustees. President Chase expressed his satisfaction with the plans as prepared and recommended that bids be received on them. On motion of Mrs. Evans this recommendation was approved. The Executive Committee adjourned. EXECUTIVE C O M M I T T E E George A. Bark, Chairman J. W. Armstrong Laura B. Evans On motion of Mr. Trees, these minutes were received for record. O n motion of M r . Blair, the action of the President and the Secretary of the Board in executing the right-of-way through the experiment field at Aledo was confirmed. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT CHASE The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. ADJUSTMENTS IN THE BUDGET (i) The following changes and adjustments have been made in the budget for 1930-31, effective September 1, 1930, in accordance with the authority given the President to make such adjustments: Increases in Salaries H. E. Babbitt, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, from $4500 to $5000. C. L. Allen, Assistant Professor in the School of Journalism, from ¥3200 to $3500. Gleyn Goodwine, of the Alumni Records Office, from $2500 to $2650, and a change in title from Chief Clerk to Office Manager. Mary E. Brennan, Chief Clerk and Head Bookkeeper in the Physical Plant Department, from $2000 to $2100. Promotions in Rank George de Tarnowsky, from Associate Professor of Surgery to Professor of Surgery (on the non-salaried clinical staff). Ernest L. Stouffer, from Superintendent of Building Construction to Assistant Supervising Architect, without change in salary ($4,200 a year). Additional Positions The Department of Zoology—an increase in the provision for the salary of an associate from $2400 to $3000. The Department of Architecture—the addition of $2500 for the salary of an additional instructor in freehand drawing. The Library, $2800—$1600 for an assistant in the Loan Department, and $1200 for the wages of temporary employees. The University High School—an increase in the provision for a half-time teacher in physical education from $700 to $850. O n motion of M r . Blair, these changes were approved. REVISION OF CAPPER-KETCHAM AND SMITH-LEVER BUDGETS (1) fn order to comply with the Capper-Ketcham Law, it was necessary to revise our Capper-Ketcham budget. Dean Mumford submitted a revised budget, with slight changes also in the Smith-Lever budget, in addition to a budget for the new Additional Federal Cooperative Fund of $26,000, made available by the federal government July 1, 1930. Since no expenditure of University funds was involved and approval was necessary in order to proceed under the revised budgets, I approved the distribution of funds in these changes. I report the matter for record.
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