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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
586 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 20 REPORT ON PATENTS (29) At the March meeting of the Board (Minutes, page 556) the President of the University was requested to present a report on patents now held by the University and the status of agreements for the commercial development of any of them. I submit as a report of progress a list of the documents in the files of the Secretary of the Board pertaining to patents and to contracts for the sale or use of patents held by the University. A copy of this list, together with copies of the documents pertaining to these various patents, was sent to each member of the Committee on Patents. This report w a s received for record. LETTER FROM MR. F. L. DAVIS (30) A letter from Mr. F. L. Davis, of N e w York. This letter w a s received for record. FORECLOSURE OF MARTIN MORTGAGE (31) A report from Mr. Williams, of foreclosure of the mortgage of Mr. W . B. Martin, et al., taken April 7, 1932. The Court allowed ninety days for the redemption period. This report w a s received for record. STUDIES FOR JOURNALISM BUILDING (32) Sketches prepared by the Supervising Architect of the proposed Journalism building. Professor W h i t e exhibited the sketches. N o action w a s taken. DATE OF MAY MEETING O n motion of M r . Armstrong, the Board voted to hold the M a y meeting at Urbana, at 10 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, M a y 11, 1932. GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS T h e secretary presented for record the following list of graduate scholars and fellows appointed by the President of the University. Bacteriology Elbert H. Ruyle Fellowship $5«> Botany Lauretta E. Fox Theodore M . Sperry Chemistry Herbert E. Carter Homer R. Duffey Tse Tsing Chu Donald S. Frederick James B. Reed Edwin J. Schrock Oliver C. Simpson William E. Sohl William E. Starr Henry R. Todd Wilson V. Upton Milton H. Wahl Classics Bernice L. Ernst Harriet C. Jameson Stephen W . Paine Alfreda K. Stallman Donald E. Strout Economics Cyrus S. Corey Theodore A. C. Helmreich William B. Lockling Education Dewey B. Stuit Engineering (Ceramics) James P. Breen Fellowship 400 Fellowship 500 Carr Fellowship 750 DuPont Fellowship 750 Fellowship 500 Fellowship 400 Fellowship 400 Scholarship 300 Fellowship 500 Fellowship 500 Scholarship 300 Scholarship 300 Scholarship 300 Fellowship 500 Scholarship 300 Fellowship 400 Fellowship 500 Scholarship 300 Fellowship 500 Fellowship 500 Fellowship 400 Fellowship 500 Fellowship 400 Fellowship 400
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