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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
570 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 20 I have already authorized the payment of $260.30 of this amount which otherwise would have become delinquent on April 2, and I concur in the recommendations regarding the payment of the balance whenever iunds are free and available for this purpose. O n motion of M r . Barr, the payment of this assessment w a s approved. LINCOLN A V E N U E S T O R M DRAIN (17) A statement concerning the Lincoln Avenue storm drainage project, involving the payment by the University of approximately $29,000 as its share of the improvement, according to the distribution of the costs. O n motion of M r . Barr, the President of the University w a s instructed to inform the U r b a n a city authorities that the University does not see its w a y clear to commit itself to the acceptance of its portion of the expense of this improvement this year. ABBOTT FORESTRY TRACT (18) A request from Mrs. A. N. Abbott, of Morrison, for a decision on her offer of a tract of approximately fifty-five acres of forestry land in Whiteside County, which was reported to the Board on October 30, 1931 (Minutes, page 469), action on which was deferred for further consideration of the general land acquisition policy of the University. O n motion of M r . Trees, this offer w a s declined with thanks, and the President of the University w a s requested to express to M r s . Abbott the Board's appreciation of her offer. A t this point, M r . Blair withdrew. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT FIELDS TO BE DISCONTINUED (19) A recommendation from the Dean and Director of the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station that experimental work in the following fields be discontinued and that the land be deeded back to the original grantors or their heirs and assigns: 1. The Spring Valley field in Bureau County (deeded by the Hall Township High School; to be deeded and conveyed to the Trustees of Schools of T. 16 N., R. 11 E. of 4th P. M., and also of fractional T. 15 N., R. 11 E. of 4th P. M . ) . 2. The LaMoillefieldin Bureau County (deeded by Mrs. Anna Norris Kendall; to be deeded back to her or her heirs and assigns). 3. The Palestinefieldin Crawford County (deeded by the Trustees of Palestine Township High School; to be deeded back to the Trustees of the Schools of Township 7 N., R. 11 W . of 2nd P. M . in the County of Crawford). The conditions of the original deeds provide that if the University discontinues experimental work on thesefieldsfor a period of two consecutive years, the land shall be deeded and conveyed to the original grantors or their heirs and assigns. 4. The Odin field in Marion County. This field, established in 1002, is held by a lease with rent from C. H. Morrison. The lease provides that it may be terminated at the end of any biennium after thefirstday of March, 1928, and that on termination of this lease the University shall have the right to remove any improvements such as buildings, fences, etc., placed on it by the University, provided that the owner shall be given thefirstopportunity of purchasing such improvements. I recommend that thesefieldsbe deeded back to the original grantors and that the lease with C. H. Morrison for the use of Odinfieldbe terminated in accordance with its provisions. . O n motion of M r . Trees, the recommendation to discontinue the w o r k in these fields w a s adopted. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, the lease with C. H . Morrison w a s terminated, in accordance with its provisions.
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