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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i932l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 563 ARTICLE II Managing Officer Section 1. T h e chief administrative and executive officer of the Research and Educational Hospitals shall be designated as Managing Officer. H e shall be appointed by the Department on the nomination of the University. T h e Managing Officer shall perform such duties as m a y be required of him either by the Department or by the University pursuant to this agreement. Certain constituent units m a y be placed under the immediate direction of Assistant Managing Officers appointed by the Department on the nomination of the University. The Managing Officer and Assistant Managing Officers m a y be removed by the Department with the concurrence of the University; and the Department agrees to remove the Managing Officer and any Assistant Managing Officer upon the written request of the University. With the consent of the Department the University m a y provisionally delegate to the Managing Officer the performance of duties, in connection with the administration of the Research and Educational Hospitals, or any constituent unit thereof, which hereunder devolve upon the University. A R T I C L E III Operation: Use of Constituent Units Section 1. T h e administration and executive direction of the Research and Educational Hospitals shall be in the Department. Section 2. In the operation of the University Clinical Hospital the appointment and compensation of the medical and scientific staff, including physicians, residents, internes, laboratory workers, anaesthetists, physiotherapists, and social service workers, stenographers and record clerks, shall devolve upon the University. T h e University shall provide all operating room and laboratory equipment, scientific apparatus, physiotherapy apparatus, record files and any other apparatus used for teaching, research and treatment. The Department shall provide the maintenance of the buildings together with the maintenance of the patients and resident personnel. Section 3. In the operation of the out patient department of the University, the University shall provide the staff, equipment and supplies for the treatment of patients as outlined in Section 2 of this Article, and the obligation of the Department shall be limited to furnishing and maintaining the necessary quarters. Section 4. In the operation of the Illinois Surgical Institute for Children, the University shall appoint and compensate the director, medical and scientific staff, including physicians, residents, internes, laboratory workers, anaesthetists, physiotherapy and social service workers, stenographers and record clerks, and shall provide all operating room and laboratory equipment, scientific apparatus, physiotherapy apparatus, recordfilesand any other apparatus used for teaching and research. T h e Department shall provide for the maintenance of the building as hereinafter provided, together with the maintenance of patients and resident personnel. Section 5. In the operation of the Psychiatric Institute it is agreed that this Institute shall be in the wing of the University Clinical Hospital originally designed and erected with funds appropriated by the General Assembly to the State Psychopathic Institute. T h e University shall provide the medical and scientific staff, including director, physicians, psychiatrists, residents, internes, laboratory workers, physiotherapy and social service workers. Patients for admission to the Institute shall be selected by the University from any available source, including, with the approval of the Department, patients committed to State Hospitals under the control of the Department. The Department, on request, shall arrange for the transfer of patients in both directions between the Institute and the State Hospitals. T h e University shall provide all laboratory and scientific equipment, including physiotherapy apparatus, recordfiles,and any tenance of patients and resident Illinois Institute for Juvenile shall be Departother apparatus Quartersused the Department; building,Institute Research operated mentSection provide for maintenance of the and the together withh e shall be provided and6.maintained by the personnel.research or treatment. T the mainshall that is for for teaching,
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