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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
552 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 8 LEAVES O F ABSENCE (12) Requests from the following members of the staff, endorsed by the Head of the Department and the Dean of the College in each case, for leaves of absence: Dr. Allan G. Brodie, Professor of Orthodontia, three weeks from March 4, to attend the meeting of the Edward H . Engle Society of Orthodontists in California. This involves no expense to the University. Dr. Alice H. Sullivan, Associate in Psychology, for one-half year beginning March 1, 1932, without pay, on account of illness. Miss Eda Jacobsen, Assistant Professor of Clothing, from January 2 to March 10, with full pay, on account of illness, provided that if i is necessary t to employ extra help to take care of her work such expenses will be paid from her salary. Mr. D. A. Albrecht, Instructor in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, from February 8 to June I, 1932, without pay, on account of illness. Mr. G. L. Jordan, Assistant to the Dean of the College of Agriculture, an additional month's sick leave from February 12 with full pay, on account of illness. Mr. Wesley Swanson, Instructor in English, from March 7 until such time as he is able to return to his duties within the present semester, with full pay, on account of illness. His work will be distributed among his colleagues so that this will involve no expense to the University. Mr. Free Lindgren, Laboratory Assistant in the Photographic Department, lor one month with pay, on account of eye trouble. N o expense to the University will be involved as the Department can take care of his work without employing extra help at this time. O n motion of M r . Barr, these leaves were granted. REIMBURSEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES ON MEDICAL A N D DENTAL LABORATORIES (13) A report from the Supervising Architect that he has received from Granger & Bollenbacher and deposited with the Comptroller the sum of $1,217.53 representing reimbursement for services he rendered in the preparation of plans for the second unit of the Medical and Dental Laboratories. This report was received for record. REIMBURSEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE WORK ON ROSELAWN CEMETERY (14) A report from the Supervising Architect that he has deposited with the Comptroller a check for $350 received from the Roselawn Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund in reimbursement for the work done by the University in the maintenance of Roselawn Cemetery for the year ending December 31, 1931. This report was received for record. HART MORTGAGE (15) A report on the status of the Hart Mortgage. This matter was referred to M r . Williams to* carry on further negotiations. H E U B A U M F O R E I G N P A T E N T RIGHTS M r . Barrett, for the Committee on Patents, presented a recommendation that the foreign patent rights on Dr. Heubaum's discovery of an electrolytic method of hydrolysis and partial purification of the levulose be released to Dr. H e u b a u m to develop as he pleases. O n motion of M r , Barr, this recommendation w a s concurred in. PROMOTION OF BURKS PATENT M r . Barrett, for the Committee on Patents, presented also the following agreement with the Utilities Research Commission, with the rec-
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