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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
54 board of trustees [September 17 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING, AUGUST A-, 1 930 The Secretary presented for record the following minutes: A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Union League Club in Chicago at 12:30 p.m. (Chicago time) on Monday, August 4, 1930. Mr. George A. Barr, Chairman, Mr. James W . Armstrong, and Mrs. Laura B. Evans were present; also President Chase and Professor James M . White. Mr. J. 0. Merrill, of the firm of Granger & Bollenbacher, was present during part of the meeting. NEW STACK FOR BOILER HOUSE Bids for the construction of the new stack for the Boiler House were opened, the figures being: Foundation King & Petry $5 485 00 A. W . Stoolman 3 625 00 Frank Somers & C o 3 650 00 The bid of A. W . Stoolman did not include excavation; the cost of which was more than the difference between his bid and that of Frank Somers & Co. M r . Somers' bid included excavation and was, therefore, the low bid. O n motion of Mrs. Evans the contract was awarded to the low bidder, M r . Somers. Superstructure of the Stack Alphons Custodis Chimney Construction C o $11 800 plus $450 for lightning rods Heine Chimney C o 12 790 plus 475 for lightning rods H . R. Heinicke & C o 9 795 plus 350 for lightning rods O n motion of Mr. Armstrong, the contract for the superstructure was awarded to the low bidder, H. R. Heinicke & Company, on their bid of $10,145 f°r stack and lightning rods, on condition that samples of their material shall stand the test required by the specifications. CONTRACT FOR ROOFING AND SHEET METAL ON WOMAN'S GYMNASIUM The bids on this work were published in the Board Minutes of June 19, 1930 (page 617). President Chase submitted the following letter pertaining to this contract, and concurred in the recommendation: August 2, 1930 President H. W. Chase, sSS Administration (W) WOMAN'S GYMNASIUM D e a r President Chase: I a m enclosing a schedule of the sheet metal and roofing bids on the Woman's Gymnasium which were opened on June 19th but because of alternate proposals on slate from different quarries I was not prepared to make a recommendation. I desire to recommend that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, F. Meyer & Bro. Co., of Peoria, 111., on their base bid of $22,784 with the deduction made in their bid of $4,016 for the use of the smaller size Rising and Nelson Company's slate, which is the same as that used on our Architectural building and which Mr. Piatt prefers. This will make the net bid $18,768. Very respectfully, James M. White Supervising Architect On motion of Mr. Armstrong, this contract was awarded to F. Meyer & Bro. Co. on the basis of their net bid of $18,768.
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