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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1932] UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS 541 The President and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees are authorized to delegate to the Comptroller authority to sign the name of the President or of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees to vouchers against the State Auditor, and to warrants on the University Treasurer in case of emergency; provided that under no circumstances shall the Comptroller sign the names of both the President and the Secretary to the same warrant or voucher. AUTHORITY TO RECEIVE MONEY O n motion of M r . Armstrong, the following resolution w a s adopted. R E S O L V E D , that the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois be and he hereby is authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys, and to endorse all orders, drafts, and checks due and payable to the University of Illinois, and especially all drafts drawn by the Treasurer of the United States payable to the Board of Trustees or to the University of Illinois. STANDING COMMITTEES In accordance with the By-Laws, the standing committees for 1932-33, appointed by President Barrett on M a r c h 14, 1932, are printed here: Buildings and Grounds—James W . Armstrong, Chairman, George A. Barr, Mrs. Laura B. Evans, Walter W . Williams, Mrs. Marjorie R. Hopkins. Sub-Committee on Landscaping—Mrs. Marjorie R Hopkins, Chairman, James W . Armstrong, Walter W. Williams. Finance—Merle J. Trees, Chairman, George A. Barr, Mrs. Helen M. Grigsby. Patents—Walter W. Williams, Chairman, James W . Armstrong, Merle J . Trees. Chicago Departments—William L. Noble, Chairman, Mrs. Marjorie R. Hopkins, George A. Barr. Student Welfare—Mrs. Laura B. Evans, Chairman, Mrs. Marjorie R. Hopkins, Merle J. Trees. A f l a e Student Activities—William L. Noble, Chairman, Mrs. Helen M. fiitd Gkigsby, Walter W. Williams. Alumni—James W . Armstrong, Chairman, Merle J Trees, Mrs. Helen M. . Grigsby. Agriculture—Walter W. Williams, Chairman, Mrs. Laura B. Evans, Mrs. Helen M. Grigsby. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT CHASE The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. MESSAGE F R O M MRS. EVANS (1) A message of regret from Mrs. Evans that she could not attend the meeting. O n motion of Dr. Noble, Mrs. Grigsby was requested to visit Mrs. Evans and to convey to her an expression of the esteem of the Board, and of i s appreciation of the great value of her services to the Unit versity during her twenty-nine years as Trustee. REPORT ON DEPOSIT OF FUNDS WITH UNIVERSITY TREASURER (2) A report that Mr. Frank M. Gordon, newly e e t d Treasurer of the Unilce versity, has designated the First National Bank of Chicago as his depository and that that bank has agreed to deposit Government securities of a market value equal at all times to the amount of deposit with it to the credit of Frank M . Gordon as Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the following documents which are hereby submitted for record:
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