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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i932l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 529 Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Animal Husbandry Lawrence Clifford Thomas, B.S., Ottawa University, 1919, M.S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1926 In Chemistry Darrell Althausen, B.S., University of Oklahoma, 1926 William Lawrence Faith, B.S., University of Maryland, 1928, M.S., 1929 Leonore Beatrice Hollander, B.A., Bryn Mawr College, 1926, A.M., 1929 Donald Durand Peirce, B.A., Oberlin College, 1923, A.M., 1929 Roger Spencer Sweet, B.A., M.A., University of Denver, 1927, 1928 In Economics Edward Frederick Nickoley, A.B., A.M., 1898, 1915 Oren Leslie Whalin, B.S., M.S., 1918, 1925 In History Thomas Francis Cleary, A.B., St. Viator College, 1912 Elmer Clarence Sandmeyer, A.B., Iowa Wesleyan College, 1917, B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1918, A.M., 1924 In Romance Languages [ames Obed Swain, A.B., A.M., Indiana University, 1921, 1923 Sister Mary Constantia Fox, B.V.M., A.B., Mount Saint Joseph College, 1924, A.M., 1929 In Zoology Benjamin Harvey Hill, A.B., M.S., Texas Christian University, 1921, 1925 Willard Francis Stanley, A.B., North Central College, 1927, A.M., 1928 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Arts and Sciences Martha Byrd Baker Delbert William Loos John Albert Beck with Edward Henry McGinnis William Sheldon Blaisdell Florence Elizabeth Martin, with Irene Dorothy Boyer Honors in Psychology Charlotte Elizabeth Claussen Mildred Claire Mercekeau Ralph Phillip Darling Ignatius Daniel Milenski with James Richard Dorsey Robert Marion O'Neil Joseph Everett Ewers Margaret Bordner Osborn, Frank Victor Flaska, with Honors Honors in English in History Alan Stanley Peirce Howard Willbanks Frick William Lockhart Pownall Nora Read Gaston Joseph Newton Rodeheaver, Jr. Harry Edwin Gearhart Louis Sands Rodger John Francis Graham Albert Louis Seidel Robert LeRoy Greene Edward Howard Silverman Theodore August Christian _ Milton Singer Helmreich, with Honors in Eco- Ethel Stevens, with Honors i n nomics Mathematics Noel John Hershey Elbert Hoover Stiff Fred Lee Johnston Dorothy Albertina Stuber Charles Katek, with Honors in Ruth Snyder Summers, with Honors History in German Gertrude Graham Kendall Clarence Wilbur Thomas Merno King Ralph McIlduff Thompson Mary Catherine Lindsay Marion Waiss
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