Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
4»4 board of trustees LEAVES O F A B S E N C E [November 16 (i) A recommendation that sabbatical leaves of absence on half salary, under the rules, be granted the following members of the staff for 1932-33: Associate Professor W . F. Schulz of the Department of Physics Assistant Professor Edward Berman of the Department of Economics. O n motion of D r . N o b l e , these leaves w e r e granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR MORROW (2) A recommendation that sabbatical leave of absence be granted to Professor G. R. Morrow, of the Department of Philosophy, for the academic year 1932-33. Professor Morrow has been at the University three years. On motion of Mr. Williams, this leave was granted (on the ground that a n understanding o n this matter w a s arrived at w h e n Professor M o r r o w c a m e to the University). LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MR. D. A. ALBRECHT (3) A recommendation that the sick leave with pay previously granted Mr. D. A. Albrecht, Instructor in Farm Mechanics, be extended to January 1, 1932, with the provision that any expenses to which the Department is put to take care of his work will be deducted from his salary. O n motion of M r . Barrett, this leave w a s extended. APPOINTMENT OF PROFESSOR W. A. OLDFATHER AS C H A I R M A N O F T H E D E P A R T M E N T O F CLASSICS (4) The members of the Department of Classics of professorial rank have requested a change in the status of that Department from a headship basis to a departmental organization with a chairman. I recommend that this request be approved and that Professor William Abbott Oldfather be appointed chairman of the Department. This procedure is in accordance with the new statutes of the University. O n motion of M r . A r m s t r o n g , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. CONTRACT WITH UTILITIES RESEARCH COMMISSION FOR D E V E L O P M E N T O F ELIMINATION O F S U L P H U R F U M E S IN S T A C K GASES (5) A contract drawn up by the University Counsel between the University and the Utilities Research Commission providing for the assignment and commercial development of a discovery for the elimination of sulphur fumes in stack gases covered by United States Patent Office Application of H. F. Johnstone, Serial No. 500684. This contract follows the proposal made by the Utilities Research Commission and the conditions under which this proposal was accepted by the Board of Trustees at its meeting on October 30. AGREEMENT Agreement between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, party of thefirstpart, hereinafter called the University, and the Utilities Research Commission, Inc., party of the second part, hereinafter described as the Commission, a corporation with principal offices in Chicago, concerning the assignment and commercial development of a discovery for the elimination of sulphur fumes in stack gases, covered by United States Patent Office Application of H . F. Johnstone, Serial No. 500684. * 1. The University agrees to assign to the Commission any rights it m a y have in any discovery which has been protected by a patent or patents, and which was made in the course of the investigation concerning the nature, effect, and prevention or elimination of stack gases, above mentioned. 2. The University further agrees that if any patentable discoveries be made during the course of such investigation as m a y be conducted under any existing research agreement, or extension thereof, patents thereof will be taken in the name or names of the University agents concerned in making them, and the interest in such patents assigned to the Commission, subject to the conditions of this proposal. outlined, that it will make such substantial an assignmenty is made as hereinbefore 3. The Commission agrees, when and if outlay as m a be warranted for the