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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 480]

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board of trustees

[October 30

ALUMNI FOUNDATION Mr. Armstrong reported that the special committee on the Alumni Foundation had met with the committee of the Alumni, and that the latter committee had asked for more time.

This report w a s received for record.

FINANCING OF DORMITORIES FOR MEN Dr. Noble presented the following report.

Minutes of the Meeting of October 24, 1931, of the Special Committee to investigate and report ways and means offinancingdormitories for men, appointed by the President of the Board of Trustees on June 26, 1931. Present: Dr. W . L. Noble, Chairman, Mr. E. E. Barrett, and Mrs. Helen M . Grigsby, members of the Committee; President Chase, and Professor James M . White, Supervising Architect. 1. The need for men's dormitories is outlined in a report of a special committee which was appointed January 4, 1928, which reported February 14, 1928 (Minutes, P- 555). and was discharged, and in a report submitted by a Special Committee for financing the erection of dormitories for men, which was appointed January 11, 1930, and which submitted its report was discharged at the meeting of the Board on February 5, 1930. A copy of this report is attached as Exhibit "A" (Minutes, February 5, 193°. P- 52°)- . In the spring of 1930 the office of the Dean of M e n made an investigation of the living conditions of students in the Twin Cities. T w o of the tabulations from this report are included under Exhibit "B". The second shows that about 2000 students are living in residences housing two or more students, and thefirstshows that onethird of these residences do not provide good living conditions. The Results of a Study of Student Living Costs at the University was published in University of Illinois bulletin No. 27, dated March 15, 1927, attached and marked Exhibit " C " and shows quite clearly comparative living costs in organized and unorganized houses. 2. The method of financing men's dormitories as adopted by the University of Wisconsin is outlined in Exhibit "D". Other methods usually involve deeding the ground to afinancingcorporation which contracts to erect a building. After completion, the property is deeded to the University subject to a mortgage, under an agreement for the payment of a definite sum per annum over a period of years to liquidate same. Following a discussion of the methods of financing men's dormitories, your Committee recommends that such dormitories be built by direct state appropriations. Your Committee further recommends that the Supervising Architect be instructed to prepare preliminary studies for a first unit of a group of men's dormitories to cost, completely furnished, $500,000. Respectfully submitted,

Edward E. Barrett W. L. Noble, Chairman

Committee on Men's Dormitories

On motion of Dr. Noble, this report was adopted. EXPRESSION OF GOOD Wll_l_ TO MRS. EVANS AND M R , WILLIAMS

O n motion of M r . Blair, the President of the B o a r d w a s requested to write letters to M r s . E v a n s a n d M r . Williams, expressing the good w'i\\ of the B o a r d to t h e m in their illness.

NOVEMBER MEETING On motion of Mr. Armstrong, i was voted to hold the November t

meeting in U r b a n a , at 10 o'clock a.m. on M o n d a y , N o v e m b e r 16,1931.