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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
464 board of trustees [October 30 Student Loan Funds Student loan funds from private gifts as of September 30, 1931, totaled $195,393, per Schedule A. Loans outstanding as of that date amounted to $190,125, leaving $5,268 available for loaning. Indebtedness on Property Outstanding indebtedness on University property at the end of the quarter consisted solely of 6 % bonds totaling $49,400 on the Dental Building in Chicago, due in 1932 (Schedule A ) . Lloyd Morey Comptroller Schedule A B A L A N C E S H E E T AS A T S E P T E M B E R 30, 1931 ASSETS I. General and Building Funds Cash with University Treasurer (Sch. C) Si 057 375 54' Petty Cash Funds 30 600 00 Balances in State Appropriations (Sch. C) For Operation (Sch. D) Mill Tax tz 400 000 00 Revenue 1 355 402 84 S3 755 402 84 For Buildings 1 397 762 05 For Special Purposes 12 165 88 5 165 330 77 Accounts Receivable 32 438 41 Store and Service Departments Inventories (Sch. F) 170 265 32 Unrealized Estimated Income (Sch. D) Smith-Lever, Hatch-Adams, Purnell, Capper-Ketcham, and Additional Cooperative Fund, U. S. Appropriations.. 212 386 21 Interest on Endowment (Land Grant of 1862) 16 225 33 State Board of Vocational Education (Smith-Hughes) 16 coo 00 Fees 685 514 68 Agricultural Sales LIABILITIES A N D S95R274 U S U P L 81 Misc. Sources 75 202 86 I. General and Building Funds Creamery Surplus 12 500 00 1 113 103 89 $7 569 113 93 Appropriation Balances (Sch. E) II. Trust Funds Encumbered $ 374 279 66 Cash with University Treasurer (Sch. C) 152 483 96 Unencumbered. 6 507 738 34 $6 882 018 00 Notes Receivable Cash Funds 190 124 78 Reserve for Petty 30 600 00 Prepaid Insurance Reserve for Stores 122 336 77 360 64 Investments and Hospital Balances Residence Hall 298 074 81 Stocks and Bonds. 325 297 61 Unappropriated Agricultural Income 16 461 47 Land 46 550 00 371 847 61 714 793 12 Unappropriated General Income (Reserve and Contingent III. Endowment Fund B) Fund) (Sch. 219 599 or $7 569 113 93 Endowment II. Trust Funds Fund (in possession of State Auditor) from Land Grant of 1862 649 012 91 Expendable Funds (Sch. H) IV. Plant and Properly Encumbered 3 039 98 Plant and Property (July 1, 1931) Unencumbered 144 755 76 147 795 74 27 378 271 57 Total Assets Non-Eipendable Funds (Sch. G) , 371 604 70£36 311 19153 Student Loan Funds 195 392 68 714 793 1III. Endowment Fund 649 012 91 IV. Plant Liabilities and Investment Dental Property Bonds 49 400 00 Invested in Fixed Assets Surplus 328 871 57 $36 378 271 57 27 311 191 53 'Securities totaling $1,079,800.00 have been deposited27by the Treasurer to secure this balanc Total Liabilities and
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