Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
43° board of trustees [September 29 Schedule C UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION INCOME AND EXPENSE STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1 3 91 SPORTS Baseball (See Schedule F) Basketball (See Schedule F) Circus Football (See Schedule F) Golf Golf Memberships Golf Membership Transportation Gymnastics and Fencing Ice Skating lnterscholastic Intramural Relay Carnival Soccer Swimming Tennis Track (See Schedule F) Wrestling Net Profit Income Expense or Lass J7 088 25 J14 566 87 $7 478 62* 23 672 60 12 953 37 10 719 23 2 406 25 4 4*8 57 2 042 32* 352 9B2 50 59 810 84 293 171 66 1 392 39 1 392 39* 1 747 Co 1 747 00* 884 00 884 00* 68 50 3 915 74 3 847 24* IS* 66 IJ4 66* 728 00 2 713 73 1 985 73* 2 287 so 6 460 75 4 173 25* 2 033 25 3 340 74 1 307 49* 125 00 2 689 64 2 564 64* 283 00 3 128 14 2 84s 14* 1 476 35 1 476 35* 1 460 75 13 969 55 12 508 So* 1 236 50 4 068 68 3 732 18* (394 372 10) (138 621 02) (255 751 08) OTHER INCOME AND EXPENSE Automobile Show 144 50 Concessions 250 00 Interest Earned 9 426 12 Miscellaneous 706 19 Rental of Athletic Equipment 300 00 Soap and Lock Sales 158 66 Usher Button Deposit* 27 00 Band Donation Coaches Bureau Coaching Course Compensation—G. C. Law Football—Ohio Team Banquet •Deficit. General Office. Insurance Insurance—Annuities.. * Maintenance—Stadium. Maintenance—Other Maintenance—Minor Improvements Publicity and Advertising. Research in Athletics Tennis Courts—Special Appropriation Tennis Courts Experiments Ticket Office Training—Sports Total Other Income and Expense (11 012 47) Total Operating 405 384 57 DeficitSkating B1) over Expense carried (See surplus (See Deduct:ofCourts including Maintenance) to , Stadium Income Tennis (Not Golf Course Rink Ice Handball Courts Schedule Schedule E) 500 00 1 828 22 300 00 183 00 264 20 15 670 44 816 38 10 628 46 15 860 29 14 493 71 13635 15 524 52 8 600 00 124 00 375 05 10 958 41 16 378 19 (112 641 22) (101 628 75)' 251 262 24 154 122 33 114 627 6» 163 951 47 21 916 95 12 483 09 13 364 67 680 95 8 073 14