Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I931] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 423 leave and fifteen days to be deducted from her vacation for 1931-32) and one mont without pay. Mr. P. E. Henwood, Associate in Machine Design, until October first. (Members of his Department have been carrying on his work, but he expects to be able to return in October.) On motion of Mr. Blair, this action was confirmed. LOCKER FEES IN CHICAGO DEPARTMENTS (6) A recommendation that a locker fee offiftycents a semester be charged students in the College of Medicine and School of Pharmacy (as is done in the Urbana Departments for similar facilities), and a fee of one dollar a semester be charged students in the College of Dentistry, effective September 1, 1931. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this recommendation w a s adopted. LABORATORY FEES IN HOME ECONOMICS (7) A recommendation that the laboratory fees in H o m e Economics I and H o m e Economics 6 be changed from $5.50 to $5.00 each. O n motion of M r . Blair, this recommendation w a s adopted. CHANGE IN FEE FOR MILITARY OVERCOATS (8) A recommendation that the present fee of one dollar for the use of military overcoats be discontinued and that the Commandant and the Comptroller be authorized tofixthe charge from year to year to meet the expenses of cleaning, repairing, and replacing these overcoats. O n motion of M r . Blair, this recommendation w a s adopted. APPROPRIATION FOR UNIVERSITY BANDS (9) A recommendation that the appropriation made in the budget for expense and equipment for the University Bands be increased by $150 to provide for traveling expense. O n motion of M r . Trees, this appropriation w a s m a d e from the Reserve a n d Contingent F u n d b y the following vote: A y e , M r . A r m strong, M r . Barr, M r . Blair, M r s . Grigsby, D r . Noble, M r . Trees; no, none; absent, M r . Barrett, M r . E m m e r s o n , M r s . Evans, M r s . Hopkins, M r . Williams. AGREEMENT WITH CROP PROTECTION INSTITUTE (10) A recommendation that an agreement with the Crop Protection Institute for an investigation to determine the insecticidal and fungicidal effects of certain sulphur combinations to be carried out by the Agricultural Experiment Station, be approved. This agreement is drawn for a period of eleven months beginning October 1,1931, with a provision that it may be extended for additional periods. The Institute agrees to pay $3,000 for the expenses of this investigation, $1,000 being payable on or before October 1, 1931, and the balance in installments of $1,000 each, payable on January I, 1932 and M a y I, 1932. O n motion of D r . Noble, this agreement w a s authorized. CHARGES FOR USE OF SKATING RINK (11) A request from the Athletic Association for authority to make the following charges for the use of the Skating Rink: For students and members of the faculty, twenty-five cents for single periods, and one dollar for a series of eight periods. For all others, a charge to be determined later but to be approximately double that charged students and members of the faculty, except that school children may be admitted on Saturday mornings for a small charge. Persons other than students and members of the faculty will be permitted to use the Skating Rink only when such use will not interfere with students and members of the faculty. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Trees, this recommendation was adopted.