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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
422 board of trustees [September 29 sion of policies, educational procedure, and research. The head shall be held responsible, however, for the organization of the work of the department, for the quality and efficient progress of that work, and for the formulation and execution of departmental policies, and the execution of university and college policies in so far as they affect the department. H e shall report on the teaching and research of the department, have general oversight of the work of students in the department, prepare departmental budgets, and be responsible for the distribution and expenditure of departmental funds, and for the care of departmental property. (d) In the administration of his office the head shall recognize the individual responsibility of other members of the department for the discharge of the duties committed to them by their appointments, and shall allow proper scope to the ability and initiative of all members of the department. Change of Departmental Organization 12. O n the written request of at least one-fourth of the members of the department of the rank of assistant professor and above, and in no case fewer than two members, to change the form of the organization of the department, it shall be the duty of the dean to call a meeting to poll by ballot the members of the department of the ranks of assistant professor and above, and transmit the result of the vote to these members of the department and to the President together with his recommendation, and if a change of organization is advised, the President shall thereupon make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Dean of Men and the Dean of Women 13. (a) The Dean of M e n and the Dean of W o m e n shall be appointed biennially by the Board of Trustees on the nomination of the President. (b) The Dean of M e n and the Dean of W o m e n shall be general advisers for men and women students respectively. Their duties shall be advisory and not regulative. The functions they perform shall include personnel work, vocational direction, and guidance in problems involving intellectual, emotional, and social adjustments. They shall be empowered to summon students for consultation and advice. The Dean of M e n and the Dean of W o m e n shall be members of the Senate Committee on Student Organization and Activities. T h e Registrar 14. (a) The Registrar shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the President. (b) H e shall conduct general correspondence with prospective students, pass upon the credentials of students entering the colleges and schools, supervise their entrance examinations, and have charge of their matriculation, registration, and their academic records. Rules of Procedure 15. The usual rules of parliamentary procedure shall govern those divisions organized as deliberative bodies. O n m o t i o n of M r . Trees, these r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s w e r e approved. APPOINTMENT OF ROBERT B. BROWNE AS ASSISTANT TO T H E D E A N O F T H E C O L L E G E O F LIBERAL A R T S A N D SCIENCES (4) A report of the appointment of Mr. Robert B. Browne, Instructor in the College of Education, to the position of Assistant to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences on three-fourths time and as Instructor in Education on one-fourth time at a total salary of $3,000 for ten months beginning September i, 1931. T h i s report w a s received for record. LEAVES OF ABSENCE FOR MEMBERS OF THE STAFF (5) A report that leaves of absence on account of illness have been granted to the following members of the staff: Mr. D. A. Albrecht, Instructor in Farm Mechanics, one month from September 8 the Misstwo months from September 1, 1931—one month with paye (fifteen days to withUniversity.) Black, Temporary County H oworkAdviser inadditional expenseExtension, pay. (His associates are carrying his m e without H o m Economics sick full Lulu S.
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