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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (Part), Southwest Division, First Mortgage Bond... First Farm Mortgage on 80 acres of land, Champaign County, 111 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., First Mortgage Bond Commonwealth Edison Co., First Mortgage Bond Des Moines Electric Co., First Mortgage Bond Detroit Edison Co., First Mortgage Bond.. Farm Mortgage (Part), 50 acres. Champaign County, 111 First Farm Mortgage (Part), 200 acres, Champaign County, 111 Mississippi River Power Co., First Mortgage Bond 5 July i, 1950 3 371 °3 2 000 00 10 000 00 102 75 100 00 3 470 61 5 yi Feb. 1, 1936 5 5 April i, 1939 June i, 1943 April 22, 1931 Feb. 6, 1931 2 000 00 Jan. 15, 1929 Jan, 27, 1929 Jan. 31, 1929 March 5, 1929 Dec. 4, 1926 July 8, 1930 Feb. 21, 1931 July 38, 1930 July 18, 1930 Jan. 15, 1929 July 8, 1930 103 725 10 276 16 1500000 ; M 1047s 10M 105 00 15 611 52 n 000 00 10M 101 50 iM 101 25 11 121 12 200000 101 25 200723 60000 5 joo 00 100 00 100 00 60000 5 5 Nov. 1, 1938 Jan. 1, 1933 5 >i July 1, 1935 5 K March 1, 1938 5 Jan. 1, 1951 5 000 00 4 M 102 25 iM 102 50 5 5 0 0 0 0 July 16, 1930 April 16, 1929 Jan. 17, 1929 Oct. 8, 1930 Group Investments 5 ill 93 Received in exchange for Patent Number 1,458,964, "Process of Manufacture of Coke for Metallurgical Uses," and forrightand title to such inventions as had been conceived by Messrs. Parr and Layng pertaining to the coking of coal. San Diego Consolidated Gas & Electric Co., First Mortgage Bond 5 March i, 1939 11 000 00 5 M 10325 6 M 103 50 11 283 68 4 000 00 100 00 4 000 00 Dec. 1925 First Farm Mortgage, 200 acres of land. Champaign County, 111 5 'A M a y 1, 1934 Sierra & San Francisco Power Co., First Mortgage Bond 5 Aug. 1, 1949 Swift and Co., First Mortgage Bond West Penn Power Co., First Mortgage Bond Wisconsin & Minnesota Light & Power Co., First and Refunding Bond (Part) 5 5 500000 iM 4M July 1, 1944 1 000 00 March 1, 1946 1500000 5 M 10M 102375 101 875 5 093 24 101 75 1 015 08 102875 103 00 15 408 60 99606 10250 1 019 06 (108 468 09) (109 683 07) Other Investments Corp., 500 Shares Preferred Trevett-Mattis Bankingsecurities ownedEconomicsUniversity of Illinois. All of 1 hereby certify17, are them y possession exceptHazen of theof theTreasurer, University by IllinoisNone Urbana CokeStock1926) held above is by correct listing McKinley 000 00 from Jan. 1, that in in escrow a the 6 those S. Capron, 50 Endowment of of the of Public Utilities which 1931 these securities (Dividends cumulative CapitalJuly Date: Company. 5 M a y 1, 1944
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