Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Physical Plant Operation and Maintenance.,, Land, Buildings, and Improvements S U M M A R Y O F AI'PROP!*IATI<3NS AS A T J U N E 30, 1930 Reserved fr o Total DisburseOutstancling Credits ments Encumbrtinces t 6 683 5° 27 * 413 159 17 245 648 37 243 264 21 409 53 28 581 69 96 285 903 08 83 412 00 122 863 4 988 95 86 1 688 088 26 81 10 429 95 55 88 254 59 68 298 97 7 210 836 231 98 9 856 06 26 666 79 00 743 67 90 943 15 22 37S 87 28 781 86 20 975 62 43 374 82 64 762 8s 52 28 60 188 838 28 177 918 50 3 291 21 37 926 92 92 2 410 71 00 72 55 210 437 81 I O 369 97 124 749 24 I 179 44 10 665 849 01 OO 6 153 520 62 7 J 166 25 84 3S8 067 92 tola* £ 1 '€ Reai)prot>rioted t 5 694 91 477 5 116 75 409 «3 I 4 8 95 * 4 420 21 Bolance U ipsed t 27 407 69 1 974 64 44 451 651 47 134 42 22 144 84 8 325 35 588 38 633 68 I 54 20 2 975 36* •37 I 269 99 841 07 7 628 57 14 254 32 3 101 42 1 284 99 6 237 879 01 • 15 24 $237 994 25* 81 qi6 74 132 527 96 67 026 16 *<99 554 12 36 12 689 988 36 256 638 70 *7 100 147 68 34 187 82 $109 454 07 'Includes $21,994.81 lapsed to offset unrealized estimated agricultural income and $4,926.26 lapsed to Unappropriated Agricultural Income. •Overdraft.