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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

00 T R U S T F U N D I N V E S T M E N T S (Continued) Interest Purchase Amortized Security Rate Maturity Par Value Rate Book Value Terminal Railroad Assn. of St. Louis, First Mortgage Bonds 4 # Oct. i, 1939 1 000 00 tol 00 1 009 18 West Penn Power Co 5 March 1, 1963 10 000 co iM 1022s iM 103 00 4 M 103 50 iM 103 7j 3M 104 00 10 345 96 Wisconsin & Minnesota Light & Power Co., First and Refunding Mortgage Bond.. 5 May 1, 1944 1 003 94 102 50 1 026 94 Savings Account, Trevett-Mattis Banking Co., Champaign 3 Call 20617 20617 (104 943 96) College of Physicians & Surgeons, First Mortgage Bonds , 6 July t, 1932 470000 iM 9400 94000 24C 98 00 2 352 00 13C 100 00 1 300 00 (4 S92 00) Central Maine Power Co., First and General Mortgage, Series C 5 }4 Aug. 1, 1949 2 500 00 Gift 2 500 00 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., First Mortgage and Collateral TniBt Bonds 5 May 1, 1957 I 000 00 Gift 1 000 00 Laclede Gas & Light Co., First Mortgage and Collateral Refunding Bonds 5\i Feb. 1, 1953 500 00 Gift joo 00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co., First and Refunding Mortgage Bonds, Series A 5 X June 1, 1949 1 000 00 Gift 1 000 00 (j 000 00) FirBt Farm Mortgage (Part) 80 acres of land. Grout Investments—Endowment FeacresR. Co., 45H Jan. 1, 1,1947 (196 573 67 11MM 102 125 (190 991 67) AmericanTotal,Bonds,Santa Funds (Part), s Sept 1, 1965 Atchison, Mortgage & Series A R. First 5 March I, 1931 12 491 00 i4M 100 00 11 090 63 FirstChampaign Special on II! Co., First Topeka & Bonds200 Mortgage County, 111 FarmSmelting Investments Mortgage Refining April 1938 4 joo 54) i 92 75 (9 074 21 5 000 00 5 00000 101 87J 5 711 59) 91 4 500 67 J 491 00 Date Ac ••Quired Fund Aug. I, 1928 Aug. 2, 1928 Aug. I, 1928 Aug. 3, 1928 Aug. 2, 1928 Aug. 2, 1928 Oct. 18, 1930 McKinley Endowment Economics of Public Utilities March 1, 1922 May 19, 1922 1913 June 10, 1930 Robert L. Rea Scholarships June 10, 1930 June 10, 1930 June 10, 1930 Lorado Taft Lectureship o > o o "1 «-J w n u> June 24, 1930 May 21, 1931 E. A. Wallace Memorial Scholar- H W ship W uly 11, 1 July 11, 1930 w July 17. 1930 Jan. is, 1929 •^1
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