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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
39° BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 27 Deduct: ,„ „ , „> _ 76 579 18 Balances Subject to Reappropnation (See Sch. D) 34 994 00 Reserve for 1931-32 Special Appropriations (See 142 173 18 30 600 00 Sch.H) Reserve for Petty Cash Funds (See Sch. H) 16 461 47 224 828 22 Unappropriated Balance of Income June 30. 1931 208 366 75 (Sch. H) Unappropriated Agricultural Income Schedule C Unappropriated General M A R Y O F RECEIPTS A N D D I S B U R S E M E N T S S U M Income 1930-31 T O J U N E 30, 1931 Receipts Balance and Slate June 30, 1031 Balance AppropriDisburseS663 «36 28' July 1, 1030 ations ments 108 375 99 Funds in Possession of University (771 512 27) Treasurer General Fund S676 062 68 $2 216 439 19 $2. 229 365 59 5 837 53 Trust Funds 127 540 60 403 456 85 422 621 46 3 993 04 Total (80360328) (261989604) (265198705) 22 745 38 State Appropriations 21 690 89 For Operation 14 189 08 Salaries and Wages 202 520 00 3 515 °>9 42 3 7>7 539 42 (68 455 92) 1 883 34 Office Expense 15000000 144 162 47 602 999 89 Travel 34 980 58 34 98° 58 7 083 96 Operation 2 115 13 485 coo 00 483 122 09 76 694 14 Repairs 16 306 70 160 coo 00 153 561 32 (688 661 33) Equipment 290 000 00 268 309 n 1 687 76* Improvements 20 154 28 130 000 00 135 965 20 Si (758 3'7 01) 530 805 28 Total, Operation (241 096 11) (4 765 000 00) (4 937 640 19) For Buildings 'Securities totalling S684,800.00 have been deposited by the Treasurer to secure this balance. Agricultural Buildings 59 48i 44 59 484 44 'Of this balance S745.79 was lapsed because it was not encumbered on June 30, 1931. Chemistry Annex 272 074 20 270 190 86 Operations of State Mill Tax Fund for the University of Illinois, July 1, 1930 to June 30, 1931 Medical and Dental LaboFree Balance in Fund July I, 1930 $ 56 384 67 ratories 1 459 023 13 856 023 24 Receipts to June 30, 1931 3 505 836 47 Power Plant Addition 234 25692 227 172 96 3 562 221 14 Woman's Gymnasium 280 437 58 203 743 44 Vouchers issued against Fund $ 202 520 00 Total, Buildings (2 305 276 27) (1 616 614 94) Applied on 1929-30 University Budget.. 3 446 563 50 For Special Purposes Applied on 1930-31 University Budget Agricultural Experiment Sta(See Sch. B) 3 649 083 50 tion, Cook County 796 80 10 coo 00 9 109 04 Vouchers issued in excess of available Total, State (241 892 91) (7 080 276 27) (6 563 364 <7) funds J86 862 36 Grand Total Si 045 496 19 $9 700 '72 3' $9 215 351 22
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