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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
388 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 1 ] " RESEARCH FUNDS FROM AMERICAN OTOLOGICAL SOCIETY (15) A report that the American Otologics! Society has granted a fund of $3,000 to assist Professor E. A. Culler of the Department of Psychology in the research on hearing in animals for the year September 1, 1931, to September 1, 1932, this fund to be received by the University and disbursed by the Business Office on requisitions and vouchers drawn by Professor Culler. I have authorized the Comptroller to accept and to disburse these funds. O n motion of M r . Trees, this action w a s approved. GIFT TO THE UNIVERSITY (16) A report that the Class of 1931 of the School of Pharmacy has presented the University with an electric clock to be installed in the Pharmacy building. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this gift w a s accepted a n d the Acting Provost w a s requested to express the thanks of the B o a r d to the donors. REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASES (17) T h e following report from the Comptroller of orders amounting to more than one thousand dollars placed by the Purchasing Agent since the last report w a s m a d e to the Board*. A supply of lumber amounting to $1,100 from Hunter, W o o d and C o m p a n y , Urbana, for use in tests of timberfloorswhich the Engineering Experiment Station is conducting in cooperation with the National L u m b e r Manufacturers Association, which is financing these tests. T h e lumber was specially selected for this purpose and was shipped to Hunter, W o o d and C o m p a n y for resale to the University for use in the tests. T w o Chevrolet sedans from the Brubaker Sales C o m p a n y , Champaign, at a cost of $1,315.10 for the Physical Plant division. A supply of steel rails amounting to $1,340.18 from the Illinois Steel C o m p a n y for use in the cooperative investigation of steel rails. This is to be payable out of funds provided for this purpose. Ediphone equipment from Edwin C. Barnes and Brothers of Peoria amounting to $1,540 for the Agricultural Extension Service, payable out of Federal funds. T h i s report w a s received for record. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (18) T h e following quarterly report of the Comptroller as at June 30, 1931: Schedule A STATEMENT OF RESERVE A N D CONTINGENT F U N D F O R T H E Q U A R T E R E N D E D J U N E 30, 1931 Balance Forward April 1,1931 J54 355 11 Add: Lapsed 1929-1930 Balances (Previously carried forward to cover encumbrances but not required) 221 61 $54 576 73 Deduct: ' Special Appropriations made by Board of Trustees: In Meeting April 8, 1931 Legal Counsel (p. 204) $ 250 00 Business Office Special Equipment (pp. 204 and 205) 2 400 00 Death Benefits (Professor Julius Goebel) (p. 202) ... 1 oco 00 In Meeting May 14, 1931 Publicity (p. 230) 300 00 Radio Station (p. 230) 100 00 Publishers Trade List (p. 219) 500 00 Chemistry (p. 219) 6 000 00 Archaeological Explorations (p. 219) 4 coo 00 AppropriatedCounsel (p. Furniture (p. (p. June 30, 1931.... 35 1100 00 InLegal Benefitsbefore SalariesW(p.232) (p. 271) Summer June (p. 1931 Death ofOffice26, 271) Business Session(Professor S. . 370) President'sPennsylvania Avenue Parr) Survey Deficit is, (p. closing books 219) Meeting House 1931 House 271) 1931 232) 2 000 00 7 500 00 67s 30 400 00 274 500 61 099 30 7 422 57
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