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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
360 board of trustees [June 26 2 000 320 320 600 2 200 2 coo 1 200 1 800 1 000 800 600 1 800 900 900) 1 800) 1 500 1 440 Salary 4. R. D. Herrold, Assistant Professor DG50 5. C. H. Phifer, Professor A 6. Arrie Bamberger, Assistant Professor D 7. O. E. Nadeau, Assistant Professor DG25 8. C. B. Puestow, Associate DG75 9. , Associate DG75 io.JH. I. Meyer, Instructor DG50 11. W . VanHazel, Instructor DG75 12. F. N. Boonstra, Assistant and Senior Resident D 13. M . W . Alcorn, Assistant and First Junior Resident D 14. J. L. Poppen, Assistant and Second Junior Resident D 15. E. E. Ewert, Instructor DG75 16. L. J. Rossiter, Surgical Technician DG50 (See Obstetrics (Total salary 17. A. Kneeland, Technician D 18. Annabel Wheeler, Typist (C. S.) Total, Surgery (General) $ 28 800 Orthopedic Surgery 1. H. B. Thomas, Director of Orthopedic Institute, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Head of Department AG50 ? 2( Assistant Professor DG50 . j ( Assistant Professor DG50 4. , Instructor D j_ j Resident (1 year from July 1, 1931) DF 6. , Assistant and Resident (1 year from July 1, 1931) DF 7. L. Pelzman, Physio-Therapist (male) DG50 8. Helen Moulton, Physio-Therapist Technician D 9. Marion Taft, Physio-Theraptst D 10. , Attendant (male) D 11. , Attendant (female) D 12. Helena Petersen, Laboratory Helper (C. S.) 13. Mrs. Ruth Christensen, Technician D 14. Mrs. Reba S. Burrows, Laboratory Helper (C. S.) 15. , Stenographer (C. S.) Total, Orthopedic Surgery ? 25 120 5 000 2 400 1 800 1 800 600 900 1 500 1 800 1 800 1 500 1 000 960 1 600 960 1 500 COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Summary Expense and Salaries Equipment Total Administration $ 11 770 00 J 3 000 00 $14 770 00 Illustration 3 450 00 3 450 00 Children's Clinic 5 500 00 600 00 6 100 00 English 1 coo 00 1 000 00 Histology 6 200 00 900 00 7 100 00 Infirmary 13 500 00 16 500 00 30 000 00 Operative Dentistry 1310000 350 00 13 4 jo 00 Oral Surgery 15 750 00 1 050 00 16 800 00 Orthodontia 10 430 00 800 00 11 230 00 Pathology and Therapeutics 15 800 00 750 00 16 550 00 Prosthetic Dentistry 23 760 00 800 00 24 560 00 Roentgenology 2 900 00 1 500 00 4 400 00 Technical Drawing $31 300 00 $151 (120 310 00 600 600 00) Total $120 310 Graduate Orthodontia 610 00 00) (29 600 00) (150 600 00 Revolving Fund, 00 Sub-total 1 700 00 1 010 00
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