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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
193°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 35 This report was received for record. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (28) The following quarterly report of the Comptroller to the Board as of June 30, 1930. TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I transmit herewith the Quarterly Report required of m e covering the financial transactions of the University for the quarter ended June 30, 1930. The Report includes the following statements: Schedule A. Statement of the Reserve and Contingent Fund, or working balance of general income, for the quarter. Schedule Ai. Statement of Budget Income for the year 1929-30. Schedule B. Realization of Income for Operation. This statement shows the estimated income for all purposes other than for new buildings provided for by Special State Appropriations, for the currentfiscalyear, and the amount realized from each source to June 30. The amount shown as realized from State Appropriations is onehalf of the appropriation for the current biennium for operation, maintenance, and equipment. The amount realized from Student Fees is the net amount after allowing for all rebates. The amount realized from Sales is the total sales irrespective of whether collection has been made in cash. Schedule C. S u m m a r y of Receipts and Disbursements. This statement shows the amount of cash receipts from all sources for the currentfiscalyear to June 30, deposited with the Treasurer of the University, also the amount appropriated to the University by the State for the current fiscal year. It shows also the disbursements from funds in the hands of the University Treasurer and from State Appropriations and the unexpended (not unencumbered) balance in each fund as at June 30. Schedule D is a summary of the appropriations made by the Board of Trustees for the currentfiscalyear, the expenditures from these appropriations, the outstanding encumbrances in the form of orders and contracts, and the free balances on June 30. Included with appropriations under the heading "Total Credits" are reappropriations of balances from the previous year and sales credited to departments. Schedule E shows operation of storerooms and service departments. Costs of materials and labor arefirstcharged to these revolving accounts, and later are charged to appropriation accounts when the service has been completed, the revolving accounts being credited. Balances are represented by stock on hand or work in process, and have been verified by actual inventories during June, 1930. Schedule F is a summary of all trust endowments held by the University, and Schedule G is a summary of the operations of all expendable trust funds. Schedule H is a balance sheet showing all assets for which the Board of Trustees is responsible and all commitments and obligations of those assets. Appendix I is a summary of the operations of the Residence Halls for the year. Appendix II is a report of the Memorial Stadium Fund, of which the Board of Trustees is custodian. Thefigurescontained in this Report are cumulative for thefiscalyear and, thereLloyd Morey fore, represent thefinancialoperations of the University for thefiscalyear ended Comptroller June 30, 1930, and thefinancialcondition of the University at that date. They will be presented in complete form in the Annual Report of the Comptroller to be published at a later date. This report is subject to audit by the accounting firm employed by the Board for that purpose. The certificate of audit will be furnished as soon as the audit is complete. Respectfully submitted,
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