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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
193°1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 33 REGISTRAR'S REPORT OF FEES (27) The following report from the Registrar of fees assessed for the second semester of 1929-30: REGISTRAR'S REPORT OF FEES ASSESSED S E C O N D S E M E S T E R , 1929-30 URBANA D E P A R T M E N T S Cross Refund Net Total Matriculation Fees * 388000 $ 60 00 $ 3 8 2 0 0 0 Incidental Fees Resident 185 162 50 3 725 00 181 437 So Non-Resident 48 831 25 768 75 48 o6z 50 Thesis Work in Absentia 100 00 100 00 Tuition Fees 1 n o 00 105 00 1 005 00 Visitor's Fees 3187s 3>8 75 Late Registration Fees 1 190 00 340 00 850 00 Change Fees 127200 100 127100 Special Examination Fees 1 760 00 25 00 1 735 00 Special Fee in English 55 00 55 00 Transcript of Credits Fee 358 00 358 00 Diploma Fees 18 370 00 18 370 00 Total, Central Fees, Urbana JS262 407 5° *5 024 75 £*S7 382 75 Laboratory Fees Agronomy 263 00 2 00 161 00 Anatomy 70s 00 20 00 685 00 Athletic Coaching 520 00 11 00 509 00 Bacteriology 755 5° J1 75 7*3 75 Botany 688 50 22 75 665 75 Ceramic Engineering 11500 1300 102 00 Chemistry 19 494 5° ' 046 38 18 448 12 Civil Engineering 62550 950 61600 Dairy Husbandry 153 00 10 50 142 50 Electrical Engineering 606 50 606 50 Entomology 229 00 9 00 220 00 Farm Mechanics 206 00 16 00 190 00 General Engineering Drawing 563 00 30 25 532 75 Geology 334 50 1900 31550 Home Economics 1 421 00 61 00 1 360 00 Horticulture 35> 00 11 00 340 00 Journalism 230 00 4 00 226 00 Law 5100 650 44 50 Mechanical Engineering 1 384 00 17 00 I 367 00 Mining Engineering 29 50 1 00 28 50 Music 4 375CO 20000 417500 Physical Education (Women) 2 257 50 87 00 2 170 50 Physics 198850 4050 194800 Physiology 843 50 42 00 801 50 Psychology 62 00 150 60 50 Public Speaking. 14500 500 14000 Spanish 11 00 50 10 50 T. &Total Fees, Urbana Departments4° 576 75 $1 806 89$30238 769 86 $6 831 00 $296 500 49 A. Mechanics 53725 50 37 64 1579 50 Total Laboratory Fees, Urbana $ Zoology $1 631 25 984 5176 15261
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