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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I93i] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 33* COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE A N D A G R I C U L T U R A L E X P E R I M E N T STATION Summary Expense and Salaries Equipment Total Administration $ 25 770 00 $ 10 800 00 $ 36 570 00 Agricultural Economics 5 775 00 5 775 00 Agricultural College Extension 10 680 00 7 250 00 17 930 00 Agronomy 116 200 00 77 085 00 193 285 00 Soil Survey Reports, Printing 7 500 00 7 500 00* Animal Husbandry 96 010 00 143 185 00 239 195 00 Dairy Husbandry 53 270 00 64 320 00 117 590 00 Farm Mechanics 18 720 00 9 250 00 27 970 00 Farm Organization and Management 28 350 00 7 950 00 36 300 00 H o m e Economics 51 270 00 7 606 00 58 876 00 Horticulture 76 140 00 77 570 00 153 710 00 Sub-total (482 185 00) (412 516 00) (894 701 00) Revolving Funds Dairy Creamery 3 867 00 90 225 00 94 092 00 Dairy Creamery Short Course.... H o m e Economics Cafeteria 1 500 00 11 180 00 12 680 00 Extension Revolving 2 000 00 2 000 00 Resources for Budget(515 921 00) (1 003 473 00) Sub-total (487 552 00) Estimated Cook County Experiment Station... 2 800 00 University00 13 100 and 15 900 00 Receipts300 Purnell Fund 37 328 561 Federal Funds 22 671 44 60 000 Administration Smith-Lever Fund 178 107 501 $ 4236 570 00 220 311 40 203 90 Agricultural Economics 5 775 Capper-Ketcham Fund 33 662 501 4 798 51 00 38 461 01 AgriculturalCooperative Fund Additional College Extension 27 900 00 317 930 00 31 coo 00 100 00 Agronomy 18248500 $1080000 Grand Total $76735056 $60179485 $136914541 Soil Survey Reports, Printing 7 500 00 Animal Husbandry 185 545 00 53 650 00 Dairy Husbandry 82 090 00 35 500 00 Farm Mechanics 27 670 00 300 00 Farm Organization and Management 36 300 00 Home Economics 58 876 00 Horticulture 128 210 00 25 500 00 Sub-total (768 951 00) (125 750 00) Revolving Funds Dairy Creamery 94 °9* °° Dairy Creamery Short Course H o m e Economics Cafeteria 12 680 00 Extension Revolving 2 000 00 Sub-total (768 951 00) (234 5 « °°) Cook County Experiment Station 15 000 00 900 00 Purnell Fund 60 000 00 Smith-Lever Fund 220 311 40 Capper-Ketcham Fund 38 461 01 Additional Cooperative Fund 31 000 00 'Unused balances in7*3exceed budget °° 30, 1031. than estimate. Grand Director. balance will41 $*3S 4"receipts ifmay be transferred to expense and equipment bud by the Total $1 133 not lapseactual items iess 'Unexpended may salary September 'Expenditures
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