Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
193*1 UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 299 Salary 2. Gleyn Goodwine, Office Manager (C. S.) 3. Gertrude E. Stanton, Editorial As 4. Mrs. Ramona L. Walker, Book keeper and Fi (Jlerk ling (C. S.) 5. Christine F. Aden, Clerk and Tyr. (C. S.) )ist $ 1 440 9 79° C O M M U N IITY A D V I S5ER i, R. E. Hieronymus, Community .idviser A I_I 3 R A R Y I I Summary i Salaries Salaries Order Department $ 12 700 00 23 080 00 Expense a nd Equipmen t Total $ 12 700 00 24 150 00 Reference Department Departmental Libraries Chicago, Medicine, and Dentistry Total, Departmental Libraries.. Expense avd Equipment Medicine and Dentistry General (Including all Urbana D e partmental Libraries) Total, Expense and Equipment Library Additions 26 000 00 5 160 00 ( 31 160 00) (156 410 00) $ 1 1 5 00 7 24 150 00 26 000 00 5 160 00 ( 31 160 00) (156 410 00) 1 175 00 .3 675 00 33 675 00 1 < 3485° 00) ( 34 850 00) 000 325 000 000 000 000 325 585 00 00 00 00 00 00 00) 00 3 3 000 00 1 I 325 00 I 000 on I 11 10 Medicine and Dentistry I 000 00 O 1 1 000 00 94 (ieneral (all other departments).. . 94 000 00 (120 325 00) (120 $156 410 00 $155 1 5 00 $311 Grand Total, Library 7 1 Expends ible Gift Funds Independent Order of B'nai B'rith $50 00 $50 00 Administration (The divisions into which this budget is divided are for administrative convenience only.) P. L. Windsor, Director of the University Library and Library School D Professor of Library Science A Mary L. Bull, Assistant to the Director (C. S.) Mildred A. Jones, Stenographer (C. S.) 5- Grace Goodman, Stenographer (C. S.) E. Wharmby, Helper (C. S.). $ Total, Administration. $50 00 $50 00 7 000 2 000 1 260 1 000 1 440 12 7O0