Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
294 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 26 GENERAL. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES A N D D E P A R T M E N T S A N D GENERAL. E X P E N S E Summary Expienseti d n Salaries "otal Equipme•t n 1 Administrative Offices and General Departments $ 8 675 00 * 9 675 00 Board of Trustees J 1 000 00 4 100 00 47 080 00 President's Office 42 980 00 500 00 10 500 00 University Counsel 10 000 00 1 000 00 H 000 00 9' 460 00 Provost 1 000 00 6 18 980 Business Office, Urbana 77 460 00 ( 20 280 00 (no 440 00 00) 280 00) Business Office, Chicago 12 700 00 1 700 00 6 49 935 00 Total ( 90 160 00) 16 105 00 32 855 00 4 000 00 18 470 00 Registrar's Office 33 235 00 400 00 1 200 00 Dean of M e n 16 750 00 2 390 00 5 090 00 Dean of W o m e n 14 470 00 18 100 00 27 300 00 Senate 80000 2 300 00 15 500 00 3 540 00 20 000 00 Information Office 2 700 00 2 500 00 2 500 00 University Press 9 200 00 3 75o 00 1 100 00 1 Military Bands 13 200 00 3 250 00 3 850 00 High School Visitor 16 460 00 3 940 00 11 730 00 . 1 500 00 6 000 00 High School Conference Publicity 7 350 00 11 000 00 Radio Station 600 00 4 000 00 4 000 00 Alumni Records 9 790 00 500 00 500 00 Community Adviser 4 500 00 650 00 650 00 General Administrative ReorganiI 750 00 I 750 00 zation n 000 00 750 00 75° 00 General Expense 2 500 00 2 500 00 Historical and Publishing 9 000 00 9 000 00 Student's Handbook Honors D a y ? 000 00 5 000 00 800 00 1 800 00 Council of Administration 3 000 00 3 000 00 Convocations Commencement 3 500 00 3 500 00 Visiting Professorships, Lectures, 1 500 00 1 500 00 and other functions 735 00 735 00 Educational Conferences and In2 500 00 2 500 00 vestigations Freshman W e e k 2 500 00 2 500 00 Injuries to Employees President's Reception and Enter3 081 00 3 081 00 tainment Fund (154 796 00) (439 991 00) President's Incidental and Emer6 000 00 8 075 00 gency Fund $160 796 00 ¥448 066 00 Membership in Organizations Audits Intramural Debating Patents on Discoveries and Inventions Premium on Treasurer's Bond.... Interest on Indebtedness (285 270 00 Revolving Entrance Examinations $287 075 00 FundSub-total Total 2 195 00)