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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
288 B O A R D OF TRUSTEES [June 26 Explanatory Notes Departmental appropriations are made under the captions "Salaries" and "Expense and Equipment." Unless otherwise indicated, no transfers may be made between these appropriation captions except with the approval of the President of the Universitv. Appropriations for Salaries are available for the term indicated in each case but not for more than one year from September 1. All balances remaining at the end of tht term indicated or at August 31, lapse on those dates. Funds appropriated for positions in the salary budget which are not yetfilledmay, pending regular appointments, be drawn against for services of employees temporarily engaged to do the work contemplated by the position. When appointments are made at salary rates less than the amounts provided in the budget, the unused balance will lapse at that time. Appropriations for Expense and Equipment are available for one year beginning July 1 and ending June 30. These appropriations are based on an estimated distribution of expenditures according to the various budget classifications of "Wages, Office Expense, etc." Expenditures should be made in approximate accord with that distribution, material departure from which should be reported in advance to the Dean or Director or other officer concerned, and to the Comptroller. All unencumbered balances in these appropriations lapse June 30. ESTIMATED B U D G E T INCOME F O R T H E FISCAL Y E A R 1931-1932 Total Educational and General Student Fees Gross Ji 163 750 00 $1 163 750 00 Deduct: Estimated Refunds 38 750 00 38 750 00 Net, Fees 1 125 000 00 1 125 000 00 Endowment Income Funds from Private Sources $ 7 440 00 7 440 00 Interest on Land Grant Fund 32 450 66 32 450 66 Total, Endowment Income ( 32 450 66) ( 7 440 00) ( 39 890 66) Public Appropriations Federal Morrill-Nelson Acts 50 000 00 50 000 00 Hatch-Adams Acts 30 000 00 30 000 00 Purnell Act 60 000 00 60 000 00 Smith-Hughes Act 16 000 00 16 000 00 Smith-Lever Acts 220 311 40 220 311 40 Capper-Ketcham Act.. .. 38 461 01 38 461 01 Additional Cooperative Extension Act 31 000 00 31 000 00 Total, Federal ( 96 000 00) ( 349 772 41) ( 445 772 41) General Income Restricted Income
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