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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1931! U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 287 Salary Increases. This item is, I think, unusually conservative. Our salary roll for the current year is $4,315,000. W e are proposing to add to this in salary increases only a total of #120,000 for next year in all branches of the University. This small sum is an investment in the morale and holding power of the University, which cannot be over-emphasized. W e are proposing the addition of #115,000 in new positions. A list of these is presented, but outside the College of Medicine and a very few additions in departments to relieve over-crowded situations, there is no expansion recommended. The majority of these positions are part-time assistants or instructors to relieve over-crowding in existing situations. General Expense and Equipment. The increase in general expense and equipment, other than non-recurring items, is $89,623. This includes an item of #35,000 under the head of administrative and general expense to take care of the reorganization of the administrative office in the Chicago Departments resulting from M r . Browne's retirement; to allow for any possible expansion of the President's Office during the year in terms of added officials; and several small miscellaneous items. A considerable portion of this will probably not be used for the present. T o these total commitments for operation should be added #54,800 in items of special equipment for the schools and colleges of the University, which will be obligations only on the coming year's income. This gives a total commitment from income of $379,423, leaving unappropriated balances of approximately $26,000, to which an item of approximately #22,000 excess of income over estimates for the current year should be added, making a total unappropriated balance out of next year's funds of $47,597 which m a y be used for general budget purposes. In addition to this the University will have a Reserve and Contingent Fund for next year for nonrecurring appropriations of about #200,000, making a total reserve of approximately a quarter of a million dollars based on a very conservative estimate of income for next vear. I a m proposing to encumber this #200,000 in lapsed balances at this time by £24,794, as shown on page 364 of the Budget. The balance of #175,000 will be available for non-recurring expenditures in accordance with the usual practice throughout the year. The fund for Physical Plant Extension remains at #130,000 as was the case last year. The proposed distribution is indicated on page 302. Considering the fact that #54,800 for non-recurring items of equipment is charged to income rather than to lapsed balances for next year, the further fact that a conservative estimate has been made which should leave us with at any rate as large an excess of income over estimates as is reported for this current year, and the third fact that the Physical Plant Extension items for the second year of the biennium can be got more from lapsed balances and less from income than is proposed in this year's budget, w e should have from one hundred to one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars available the second year for such expansion as should be undertaken at that time, even though there m a y be no increase in income from student fees during the second year. I have followed, in other words, the usual practice of the University in thus undertaking during the first year of the biennium somewhat larger increases than during the second year. The entire University organization is accustomed to this policy and it has seemed to m e a wise and logical one. I feel, however, that the budget for next year has been made on an entirely safe and conservative basis; that sufficient free working funds will be available to handle particular needs as they arise; and that, as indicated above, the reserve for next year will be sufficient to carry us through the second year of the biennium in good shape. There are appended hereto certain summary statements of general Universityincome, of the distribution of these increases among the schools and colleges, of proposed salary increases in larger amounts, and of new positions of professorial rank. There are several specific matters to which I a m calling your attention in separate memoranda. O n m o t i o n of M r . Barrett, the b u d g e t w a s a p p r o v e d , a n d authorA y e w a s r . D A r m.s t r othe sPresident, as Mrequested, b y Mnros . n E v a n sabsent, ity., Blair, r . N o b l n gr, M o n ,.Trees,H o p r.. nWilliams; the, following vote: Grigsby, M r E m me , r r M Barr, M rk i s . Mr M granted to e M. rs. Barrett, one; , Mrs.
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