Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
284 B O A R D O F TRUSTEES [June 26 4 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 j w 3 25 200 4 00 1 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 Public Speaking 11 5 00 Zoology 4 3 25 Zoology 6 Railway Engineering 62 3 00 Zoology 9 (per credit hour) Zoology 10 c . , „. _„ Zoology 11 (per credit hour) SPamsh 25 So Zoolo|£ l6 ^ / Zoology 17 T. &A. M. 63 250 Zoology 18 T. & A. M. 64 1 50 Zoology 22 Zoology 23 (per credit hour) Zoology 1 3 25 Zoology 31 Zoology 2 4 50 Zoology 63 Zoology 3 4 00 Zoology 66 On motion of Mr. Trees, these fees were approved. REPORT ON THE CARTER-PENNELL FARMS (10) The annual report on the operation of the Carter-Pennell Farms for the year ended February 28, 1931. O n motion of M r . Barrett, this report w a s referred to the C o m mittee on Agriculture for consideration and report. RETIREMENTS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1. 1931 (11) A report for record that the following members of the staff will retire on September 1, 1931: Dean K. C. Babcock of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Professor W . S. Bayley of the Department of Geology Assistant Professor Arthur Beresford of the School of Music Assistant Professor Daisy Blaisdell of the Department of German Mr. L. A. Boice, Recorder in the Registrar's Office Mr. A. J. Booker, Laborer in the Physical Plant Division Mr. W . H. Browne, Secretary of the College of Medicine Dean Thomas Arkle Clark, Dean of M e n Assistant Professor Martha Kyle of the Department of English Professor G. A. Miller of the Department of Mathematics Associate Professor Frances Simpson of the Library School Provisions for their retiring allowances have been made in the budgets of the departments or colleges concerned and no further action by the Board is necessary, under the rules. This report w a s received for record. UNIVERSITY STATUTES (12) A draft of the University Statutes as recommended by the University Senate, being sections I to 36 inclusive. These Statutes were a m e n d e d in certain particulars and, on m o tion of M r . Trees, were approved in principle; final adoption w a s reserved until the final draft shall be presented to the Board at the September meeting. EMPLOYMENT OF D. C SPRINKLE IN SERVICE (13) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Agriculture, concurred in by the Supervising Architect, that Mr. D. C. Sprinkle, night watchman in Floriculture, be continued in service for another year. CONTINUATION Mon .part SeptemberheOFinR.interestedandcontinuing of sixtyeitherand fullduethisretire on time. As I.isH e is E. reachednot a age in service eightI nonmotion Hieronymus, Community Adviser, has HIERONYMUS of any (14)ODr. R. E. toorrecommendation. this recommendationthea s adopted. concur in of IN Armstrong, is time r SERVICE good health in w member