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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
193°] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 27 The Institute requests that this investigation be continued during the year 1930-31 and has agreed tofinancethe work in the same way as in the past year. The Institute expects to furnish up to $3,000 more for the expenses of this work. O n request of the Head of the Department of Bacteriology, I have authorized the extension of this agreement for one year from September 15, 1930. O n motion of M r . Fisher, this action w a s confirmed. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITH CHILEAN NITRATE OF SODA COMPANY FOR INVESTIGATION OF EFFECTS OF NITRATE OF SODA O N SOILS A N D CROPS (14) O n June ii, 1929 (Minutes, page 248), the Board authorized approval of an agreement with the Chilean Nitrate of Soda Educational Bureau of N e w York City for a cooperative investigation of the effects of applications of nitrate of soda on soil and the crop growth under various conditions. This agreement was drawn for one year from September, 1929, with the expectation that it would be renewed, and the Company has already paid the sum of $1,500 to cover thefirstyear's expenses of this investigation. The Dean of the College of Agriculture reports that the Bureau has requested the Agricultural Experiment Station to discontinue whatever plans have been made beyond the present year and has requested that the unexpended balance of $1,317.22 remaining in the funds advanced by them be refunded. O n recommendation of the Dean, I recommend that this investigation be discontinued and that the balance indicated be returned to the Chilean Nitrate of Soda Educational Bureau of N e w York City in accordance with its request. O n motion of D r . Noble, this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted, b y the following vote: A y e , M r . Armstrong, M r . Barr, M r s . E v a n s , M r . Fisher, M r s . Grigsby, D r . Noble, M r . S i m p s o n , M r . Trees; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Blair, M r . E m m e r s o n . PAVING OF STREETS IN URBANA (15) The City Attorney and Corporation Counsel of Urbana reports that the County Court of Champaign County has confirmed the Mathews Avenue, Romine Street, and University Avenue pavement projects. These proposed improvements conform to the plans submitted to the Board of Trustees on M a y 9, 1930 (Minutes, pages 582 and 583), at which time the Board voted to cooperate in these projects. The Supervising Architect reports that the special assessments against the University for street pavements in Urbana will be as follows: Estimated March 13, 1930 University Avenue (57 foot pavement) $9 561 05 $13 854 Total Assessments foot pavement) $44 031 05 $41 524 Romine Street (37for Urbana pavements 7 253 02 Inasmuch as these ^ f°°t pavement) used in the 27 670 Mathews Avenue (amounts differ from the estimates27 285 88 official action 3 of the Board accepting these assessments (Minutes, M a y 9, 1930, page 582), I recomMathews Avenue—former assessment against Illimend that this report be received for record and that the above assessments be nois Power and Light Corporation for the accepted.block between Oregon and California Streets, O n motion of D r . to the University now transferred Noble, these revised assessments were accepted. 37504 INSURANCE ON BUILDINGS UNDER CONSTRUCTION (16) O n March 11, 1930 (Minutes, page 542), the Board authorized the placing of fire and tornado insurance on the Chemistry Building Annex, during the period of construction, with the Fidelity-Phoenix Fire Insurance Company, through the Hayes-Atkinson Agency and the Burt-Rovelstad Company, at the rate of $.38 per $100. O n April 9, 1930 (Minutes, page 566), a report was made that the company was unwilling
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