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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
278 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Junei5 He recommends that the order be placed with the Middle States Electric Company, the lowest bidders. I concur. O n motion of Mrs. Evans, this contract was awarded to the lowest bidders, as recommended. ADDITIONS TO CONTRACT FOR MEDICAL. AND DENTAL LABORATORIES BUILDING (19) A report from the Supervising Architect that, at the request of the Dean of the College of Medicine, he has authorized the following additions to contracts for the Medical and Dental Laboratories Building: Kewaunee Manufacturing Company for additional laboratory furnishings for the Department of Physiology to accommodate more students $3 397 15 Chester Johnson Electric Company for additional electrical facilities for various departments $2 457 26 O n motion of D r . N o b l e , this action w a s confirmed. PAYMENT TO GRANGER AND BOLLENBACHER FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES (20) A recommendation from the Supervising Architect that Granger and Bollenbacher, architects, be paid $2,500 for professional services rendered in preparation of preliminary studies for the second group of the Medical and Dental Laboratories Building in accordance with their certificate herewith presented. This payment will be made out of the appropriation for the building. I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Dr. Noble, this payment was authorized. TIME OF ADJOURNED SESSION O n m o t i o n of M r . Trees, it w a s voted that, w h e n the B o a r d adjourns, it d o adjourn to m e e t o n Friday, J u n e 26, 1931, at 10 o'clock a.m. (Chicago time) at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago. GRADUATE SCHOLARS AND FELLOWS T h e Secretary presented for record the following supplementary list of scholars a n d fellows in the G r a d u a t e School, appointed b y the President of the University. Classics Pearl V. M e y e r Scholarship $300 APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT T h e Secretary presented also for record a list of appointments m a d e b y the President of the University. Bisesi, Joseph Louis, Special Research Assistant in Engineering Materials, in the Engineering Experiment Station, beginning June 15, 1931, and continuing until further notice, at a cash compensation at the rate of two hundred dollars ($200) a month. (June 9, 1931)1 Boyd, Mrs. Ella F., Director of Social Activities in the Woman's Residence Hall, for the Summer Session, for two months beginning June 15, 1931, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty-five dollars ($65) a month, with maintenance including living quarters, board, and personal laundry, while on duty. (May 29, 1931) Caldwell, C. T., Special Research Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for one year beginning June 15, 1931, at a cash compensation of one thousand dollars ($1,000).date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of JThe (June 10, 1931) Gregg, Russell T., to give instruction in Education in the S u m m e r Session of the University. 1931, on one-half time, beginning June 22 and ending August 15, 1931, at a cash compensation of one hundred thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents ($133.33) for the session. (May 29, 1931)
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