Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
228 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Schedule H BALANCE SHEET AS AT MARCH 31. 1 3 91 [May 14 ASSETS 1. General and Building Funds Cash with University Treasurer (Sch. C) $ 748 439 70 Petty Cash Funds 30 600 00 Balance in State Appropriation (Sch. C) For Special Purposes $ 3 95 2 31 For Operation (including special) 1 643 513 37 For Buildings 972 237 01 2 619 702 69 Stores and Service Departments Inventories (Sch. E) 170 477 21 Accounts Receivable . . 58 456 5! Estimated Income from: (Sch. B) United States Appropriations 22 500 00 State Board of Vocational Education (SmithHughes) 16 000 00 Fees. 40 992 90 Agricultural Sales 37 277 96 Creamery Surplus. 14 760 00 Trust Endowments 5 400 00 Miscellaneous Sources 30 179 00 167 109 86 $3 79+ 785 9II. Trust Funds Cash with University Treasurer (Sch. C) 171 661 87 Notes Receivable 182 3 16 65 Investments Stocks and Bonds 250 880 07 Land 46 55Q 00 297 430 07 6s 1 408 ;q III. Endowment Fund Endowment Fund (in possession of State Auditor) from Land Grant of 1862 649 012 91 IV. Plant and Properly Plant and Property (July 1, 1930) 25 117 333 67 Total Assets S30 212 561 14 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS I. General and Building Funds Vouchers Payable $ 136 091 12 Appropriation Balances (Sch. D) Encumbered $ 910 146 52 Unencumbered 2 242 194 51 3 152 34' 03 Reserve for Petty Cash Funds 30 600 00 Reserve for Stores 122 360 64 Residence Hall and Hospital Balances 280 301 79 Unappropriated Agricultural Income 18 736 27 Unappropriated General Income (Reserve and Contingent Fund) (Sch. A) 54 35S '2 ?3 794 7*3 0" II. Kescrvefor Trust Funds Expendable Funds (Sch. G) Encumbered 4 025 29 Unencumbered 156 212 29 160 237 58 Non-Expendable Funds (Sch. F) 300 141 26 Student Loan Funds 191 029 75 651 408 ;> < III. Reserve for Endowment Fund 649 012 91 IV. Bonds and Surplus Dental Property Bonds 49 400 00 and TheuFROM Fofnin andthe record. Illinoisrecommend FUND 67 25 117 561 (20) report wasrepairs for for purchase of new I isMutual foracceptance $30 the 353 67 This forfrom that receivedUniversity ofThis giftequipmentBenefit Hospitalregulations GIFTFcertainLiabilitiesFixedSurplus gifts and HOSPITAL25thewith theof Fund offer.14 of theSurplus Invested authorizes year. 87,000 Trustee MUTUAL. such Total n d whichu the next BENEFIT d Assets in accordance McKinley Hospital 067 953 212 offers