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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
«9.3i] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 227 Schedule F SUMMARY OF TRUST E N D O W M E N T FUNDS AS AT MARCH 31, 1931 Total Total March 31, July J, 1030 Additions 1031 Professorial and Lectureship Endowments $ng 742 66 $; 582 25 ii45 324 9> •Deduction, due to repayment of the loan University Scholarship, Fellowship, and Prize Endowments from general 84 556 27 funds on00 300 construction 27 84 856 of McKinley Hospital. Miscellaneous Endowments So 030 71 10 070 63* 69 960 08 invested Grand Total as follows: J304 329 64 $4 188 38* ?300 141 26' Special Investments (including Carter-Pennell Farms) £185 737 84 Group Investments 110 742 23 Total Investments $296 480 07 Uninvested Total $ 3 661 19 Schedule G S U M M A R Y O F E X P E N D A B L E T R U S T A N D SPECIAL F U N D S AS A T M A R C H 31, 1931 Total Credits Disbursemints Encuntbrances Free Balance March 31, J 031 Professorial and Lectureship Endowments Income % 6 045 44 % 1 00 $ 6 044 44 Student Loan Endowments Income (subject to annuity) 385 21 250 00 135 21 Scholarship, Fellowship, and Prize Endowments Income ; 881 80 3 523 75 t 77 so z 2S0 55 Miscellaneous Endowments Income 5 528 27 2 955 50 149 43 2 423 34 Building and Improvement Gifts 698 04 49 34 39 25 o09 45 Research Gifts 181 537 02 141 820 87 3 320 11 36 396 04 Scholarship, Fellowship, and Prize Gifts 19 0R0 66 12 419 75 4 00 6 656 91 Other Expendable Funds 42 767 41 7 775 16 135 00 34 S57 25 Deposit Funds 89 517 23 22 412 09 300 00 66 80s M Group Investment Interest 310 80 306 84 3 96 GrondTotol £35175188 $19151430 $4 025 29 J156 212 29
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