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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i93'l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Schedule B REALIZATION OF INCOME FOR OPERATIONS 1930-31 TO MARCH 31, 1931 Budget Estimate Realised to Date 225 Unrealized Balance (See Sch. II) stale Funds From Mill Tax S3 515 019 42 Ji 872 439 I! ?l 642 580 30 From General Revenue 1 249 980 58 1 249 047 51 933 07 Total, State (4 7^5 000 00) (3 121 486 63) (1 643 513 37) Federal Funds From U. S. Treasurer Smith-Lever Fund 239 624 34 239 624 34 Capper-Ketcham Fund 40 167 48 40 167 4S Additional Extension Fund . 26 000 00 26 000 00 Hatch-Adams Funds 30 000 00 22 500 00 7 500 00 Purnell Fund 60 000 00 45 000 00 15 000 00 From State Treasurer Interest on Endowment Fund 32 450 66 32 450 66 Morrill-Nelson Funds 50 000 00 50 000 00 From State Board for Vocational Education (Smith-Hughes) 16 000 00 16 000 00 •Deduct. Total, Federal (49424248) (45374248) (3850000) JNo budget estimate set up. Student Fees 870 000 00 829 007 ic 40 992 90 Sales 2Credited direct to revolving accounts, not carried as separate items on Balance Sheet. 3To be transferred from Credited to Departments Creamery Operating Account June 30, 193 1. <To be transferred from Trust Account June 30, 1931. 00 Agriculture 121 740 96 26; 81 25 474 19= Schedule Departments Other C 13 393 20 13 393 20*'' ! S M M A R Y O RE Credited to EstimatedU AgriculturalFSalesC E I P T S A N D 900 I00B U R S E M E N T S 124 D S 87 622 04 37 277 96 1930-3 r T O M A R C H000 00 Credited to General Income 120 31, 1931 89 821 00 30 179 00 Receipts Credited to Estimated Income from Creamery Surplus 14and Stale 760 00 14 Balance 760 00s Balance AppropriDisburseMarch .?/, Total, Sales, etc (38140000) (28710205) (9429795) July j, 1030 ations ments loji McKinley Endowment 5 400 00 5 400 00* I'uvds Grand Total of University in Possession $6 516 042 48 $4 693 338 26 $1 822 704 21 Treasurer General Fund $676 062 68 ' 1 839 678 01 $1 767 3°° 99 '• 748 439 70 Trust Fund 12754060 32143885 277 3'7 58 171 661 87 Total (803 603 28 (2 161 116 86) (2 044 ' 18 57) (920 101 57) Slate Appropriations For Operation Salaries and Wages 202 520 00 3 515 019 42 2 574 959 12 1 142 580 30 Office Expense 150 000 00 90 000 00 60 000 00 Travel 34980 58 2904751 5 933 07 Operation. 2 115 13 485 000 00 327 115 13 160 000 00 Repairs 16 306 70 160 000 00 96 306 70 80 000 00 Equipment 290 000 00 170 000 00 120 000 00 Improvements 10 m 28 130 000 00 75 '54 28 75 000 00 Total, Operation (241 096 11) (4 7^5 000 00) (3 362 582 74) u 643 513 37) For Buildings Agricultural Buildings 59 4«4 44 59 484 44 Chemistry Annex 272 074 20 246 837 46 25 236 74 Medical and Dental Laboratories I 459 023 13 676 325 65 782 697 48 Power Plant Addition 234 256 92 204 548 59 29 708 33 For Special StateCook County.. $r (241 496 19 $9 280 437 58 $6 1456843 06 33 (972 594 4<> Woman's Buildings Agricultural Experiment Total, Purposes Station, GrandGymnasium Total 045 796 91) (2 241 393 13 (1 747 085 12 (2 1343 804 26 892 So (7 °8o 000 00 (4 702 039 49 305 276 27) 333 466 49) 539 952 69) 10 844 26) 619 702 01) 237 31
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