Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1931) UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS I93 On motion of Mr. Armstrong, this contract was awarded to the lowest bidder as r e c o m m e n d e d . ADDITIONS TO THE CONTRACT FOR THE MEDICAL. AND DENTAL. LABORATORIES BUILDING (23) The Supervising Architect recommends the addition of the following items to the W . E. 0 Neil Construction Company's contract for the erection of the Medical and Dental Laboratories Building: Changing glass in larger sash from double strength to plate glass.... $4 000 (This will result in a deduction of at least ?i500 on the Kawneer Company's contract, due to the elimination of muntins, so that the net increase in cost to the University will be $2 500) Plastering of partitions above the glazed tile wainscoting in 95 rooms., j573 Total $10 397 Furnishing items are available in the appropriation for this building. Funds for theseand installing 24 display cabinets in one of the corridors... 1 176 I recommend approval. O n motion of D r . Noble, this recommendation w a s adopted. PAYMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL. SERVICES ON SECOND UNIT OF MEDICAL. A N D DENTAL LABORATORIES BUILDING (24) The Supervising Architect submits a statement from Granger and Bollenbacher for professional services rendered in the preparation of preliminary studies for the proposed second unit of the Medical and Dental Laboratories Building, the amount involved beingfivethousand dollars, which is one-half of the total amount appropriated for these preliminary studies. H e recommends approval of this payment. I concur in the recommendation. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this p a y m e n t w a s authorized. CANADIAN PATENT ON RADIO TRANSMISSION (25) The Secretary reports the receipt of the following letter: March 9, 1931 University of Illinois, Board of Trustees, Urbana, Illinois Gentlemen: W e are enclosing herewith original Canadian Letters Patent No. 309,020, which issued to you on March 3, 1931, as assignee of Hugh A. Brown. If you do not manufacture in Canada, others there may, after three years, compel the grant of license thereunder. Whether you manufacture or import there under the patent, each article sold or offered for sale there must bear the marking "Patent No. 309,020, 1931." Kindly acknowledge receipt of the original Canadian Letters Patent, and oblige. Yours very truly, Brown, Jackson, Boettcher, & Dienner On motion of Mr. Armstrong, this matter was referred to the faculty committee on patents for consideration and report. RADIO STATION (26) A report on the operation of the radio station. This report w a s received for record. OPENING OF GOODWIN AVENUE (27) A request for reconsideration of the action opening Goodwin Avenue south of Nevada Street. This matter w a s referred to the C o m m i t t e e o n Buildings a n d G r o u n d s for consideration a n d report.