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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
190 board of trustees [March 12 Mrs. Evans, the Comptroller was authorized to invest #3,000 of the McKinley Hospital Endowment Funds in Central of Georgia, First Gold S's, 1945. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (19) The following report from the Comptroller of contracts and purchase orders executed since the last report: CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER JANUARY31, 1931, TO MARCH5,1931 Cooperative research agreements executed on special authorization of the Board of Trustees in meeting of February 5, 1931, minutes page 151: Amount to be received by the Name University Date Purpose Utilities Research Commission $7 500 February For cooperative investigation of refriger0, 1931 ation at low brine temperatures by Engineering Experiment Station Bureau of Public Roads of United 20 000 February For cooperative investigation of reinStates Department of Agriculture 9, 1931 forced concrete arches by Engineering Experiment Station Extension of cooperative research agreement executed on special approval of the Board of Trustees in meeting of February 5, 1931, minutes page 151: Amount to be received by the Name University Date Purpose R u h m Phosphate & Chemical Com- Si 800 January For cooperative investigation of rock pany and Thomson Phosphate 2?, 1031 phosphate as a fertilizer by Agricultural Company Experiment Station Contract authorized under special authorization of the Board of Trustees in meeting of February 6, 1931, minutes page 174. Amount to be received by the Name University Date Item Urbana Laboratories, A. L. Whiting, Royalty February For sale of phosphorus test solution owner ofiojfa 17,1931 known under trade name as Hi-Lo quart Fosfate Reagent Minor contracts executed under general regulation: Amount to be received by the Name University Dale Item Illinois Stat* Board for Vocational Regular February Regular Instruction in College of CornEducation Fees 19,1931 merce to be rendered to E. A. Wherry for two years from February 2, 1931 Otis Elevator Company $24 00 February Weekly inspection and maintenance of monthly 12,1931 elevator in Lincoln Hall Addition for five years beginning February 1, 1931 Renewal of lease of University property executed under general regulations: Rental to be received by the Leased to Property University Date Tenure Illinois Bell Telephone 98 pairs of University $264 60 February One year from Jan Company underground cables a year 6,1931 uary 1, 1931 Lloyd Morey H. M. Coal Company ElectricCoal ORDERS ISSUED Physical R E P CoalTPlant Quotedin budget Procedure PURCHASE Company Coal 1 Coal 00INAmount PlantDepartment Electric Vendor Edwards OTHERWISE Physical storage Coal for 500 Item $1 FEBRUARYONOT Purchasing Storage Quoted 500 00 R ED made Agent Appropriation Comptroller
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