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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i86 B O A R D O F TRUSTEES [March 11 leave of absence on one-half pay under the rules, for one year beginning September i, I931I recommend approval. O n motion of M r . Barrett, this leave w a s granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MISS JOSIE B. HOUCHENS (7) A recommendation from Director P. L. Windsor that Miss Josie B. Houchens of the Library staff be given leave of absence without pay during the month of July in order that she may teach at the summer session of Columbia University. I recommend approval. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this leave w a s granted. DIRECTORS OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (8) A recommendation that the following be appointed Directors of the Athletic Association of the University to serve until March, 1932, or until their successors shall have been elected: Director George Huff, Champaign Judge 0. A. Harker, Champaign Professor F. A. Russell, Urbana Mr. J. P. Kratz, Monticello Mr. W . E. C. Clifford, Champaign This recommendation is made pursuant to the constitution of the Athletic Association which provides that these directors shall be elected annually by the Board of Trustees of the University on recommendation of the President. O n motion of D r . Noble, these directors were elected. PROPOSAL FROM DEAN KENDRIC C BABCOCK FOR CREATION OF AN E N D O W M E N T IN SUPPORT OF RESEARCH, FELLOWSHIPS, A N D PUBLICATIONS IN HISTORY A N D POLITICAL SCIENCE (9) A proposal from Dean Kendric C. Babcock to present securities valued at approximately $50,000 to the University for the establishment of a trust fund in support of research, fellowships, and publications in history and political science. O n motion of D r . Noble, this proposal w a s accepted in principle and the Legal Counsel w a s directed to draw an instrument of trust in legal form to be presented to the Board for approval. T h e President of the University w a s requested to express the appreciation of the Board to D e a n Babcock for his gift. COLLEGE OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS (10) Since 1921 there has been under consideration a proposal that certain of the University's art interests, such as Architecture, Art and Design, Landscape Architecture, and Music, be organized as a College of Fine Arts. For one reason or another it has not been practicable to make this reorganization heretofore, although the proposal has remained under consideration pursuant to the action of the University Senate on October 3, 1921, which voted that the matter be given further study with the view to presenting to the Senate a plan for such a college when i is possible to t provide adequately for such an additional unit. In 1928 a special committee of the faculty was appointed to make specific recommendations for the organization of a College of Fine Arts. This committee made a detailed report afterfiveor six months of study, which report has furnished the basis for the following specific recommendations of the Committee on Educational Policy, which were approved by the Senate on February 2: 1. That there be established at the University of Illinois a College of Fine and Applied Arts with the same rights and privileges accorded the other colleges of the University. 1. That, at the beginning, the College of Fine and Applied Arts include the School as Music, the Department of Architecture, the Department in Cityand Design, and the Division of that students now admission requirements to of Art Planning. of at present;for the time Architecture including the option curricula beunits remain 3. That, Landscape being, registered in the present the several allowed to
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