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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 121 1930] I recommend that these matters be referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, these matters were referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for consideration and report. SWIMMING CLASSES FOR WOMEN MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY (8) A recommendation from the Director of Physical Welfare and the Supervising Architect that swimming classes be established in the Woman's Gymnasium for women employees of the University and for wives of members of the faculty, these classes to be given in the evening, and that a fee of three dollars per semester be charged each person who enrolls to cover instruction, suit and laundry service, and where a locker is desirable that an additional charge of one dollar be made. The Provost and the Comptroller recommend approval of this proposal in so far as it applies to women employees of the University, but not to wives of members of the faculty on the ground that it is unwise to open facilities of the University to persons not connected with it except through channels of regular instruction. I recommend that the establishment of such classes for women employees be authorized with the fee as recommended (except that the fee for the present semester be two dollars since the semester is one-third over) and that the income from the fees be applied toward the expenses of instruction, laundering, and other services. O n motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation w a s adopted. CONTRACT FOR WIRING CATTLE FEEDING PLANT (9) A recommendation of the Supervising Architect that the contract for electric wiring in the Cattle Feeding Plant be awarded to Henry Newgard & Company, the lowest bidders, on the basis of their bid of $2,562. I concur in this recommendation. O n motion of D r . Noble, this contract w a s awarded as recommended. GIFT FROM THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (10) A report of the acceptance of a gift of 2 500 from the Committee on Scientific Research of the American Medical Association to assist Doctor Theodore Cornbleet, Instructor in Dermatology, in his research work on problems of cutaneous pathology. This report w a s received for record. PURCHASE OF HARDWARE FOR PRESIDENT'S HOUSE (11) A recommendation from the Supervising Architect that the purchase of hardware for the N e w President's House be referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds with power to act on the condition that the hardware can be purchased within the appropriation already made for the building. O n motion of Dr. Noble, this recommendation was adopted. EXPANSION OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (12) A statement concerning the proposed expansion of the State Geological Survey, and a request that a hearing on this matter be granted to Mr. J. I. Zook and his associates. This hearing was granted, and M r . Zook, M r . Whittier, Dr. M . M . Leighton, and M r . T. W . Essington were introduced. These gentlemen m a d e statements in favor of the proposed pogram of expansion of the Survey, and retired. President Chase m a d e a further statement. Action on this matter was deferred. INAUGURATION OF PRESIDENT CHASE M r . Trees, for the special committee on the inauguration of President Chase, announced that M a y 1, 1931, had been selected as the date for the ceremony.
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