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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

92 COLLEGE OF SCIENCE A very important feature of the equipment consists of the chemical library, which, in addition to all the modern, standard chemical texts, dictionaries, and encyclopedias, includes complete sets of nearly all the more important chemical journals, especially the German and the English. The current numbers of many others are regularly received. EQUIPMENT FOR PHYSICS The rooms devoted to physics are in Engineering Hall. The general laboratory is equipped for general and advanced experimental work and research. The small laboratories, six in number, on the ground floor, are equipped with apparatus for electrical measurements and with a considerable amount of fine apparatus for measurements in light. The constant-temperature room, also on the ground floor, has double masonry walls and double floors, and is arranged for experiments requiring a uniform temperature. The workshop, near the small laboratories, is equipped for the manufacture and repair of apparatus. In addition to the preceding there are several private studies, laboratories, and offices for the use of instructors and advanced students. CHEMICAL COURSES CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS Prescribed 1. Chemical.—General Elementary Chemistry (Chem. i); I credit. Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry (Chem. 2a); I credit. Inorganic Preparations (Chem. 2b); I credit. Organic Chemistry (Chem. 9); 2 credits. Qualitative Analysis (Chem. 3a, 3b); 2 credits. Quantitative Analysis (Chem. 5a, 5b); 2 credits. Seminary (Chem. 19); 2 credits. 2. General.—Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry (Math. 1 and 3, or 2 and 4); 2 credits. German 1, 8, 6; 6 credits. Military 1, 2, and Physical Training; 2 credits. Physics 1, 3; 3 credits. Rhetoric 2; 2 credits.
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