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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

EQUIPMENT 91 Provision is made for the constantly growing demand for technical chemical knowledge and skill in the industrial world. Ample opportunities are offered those who wish to follow work along technological lines, special attention being given to the underlying chemical principles and their applications in the various industries. For those who wish to prepare along the more advanced pharmaceutical lines, opportunity is offered for preparation in a thoroughly scientific manner for the work of the investigating and manufacturing pharmacist. EQUIPMENT FOR CHEMISTRY Laboratories.—The Chemical Laboratory is 75 by 120 feet and three stories high, including basement. The basement contains the water survey laboratory and rooms for storage and dispensing, and for work in assaying and metallurgical chemistry. The first floor has a lecture room and laboratory for general chemistry and qualitative analysis, each of which accommodates 150 students; a large private laboratory, and a store room. The second floor has a laboratory for quantitative analysis and organic chemistry, a balance and reading room, and a large private laboratory. Rooms for the special work in physical chemistry are in University Hall. Apparatus.—These laboratories are amply furnished with all the modern conveniences and supplies for the various lines of work in pure and applied chemistry. The apparatus for general use includes twenty-nine high-grade analytical balances of Sartorius's, Becker's, and Troemner's make, an abundant supply of platinum ware, including combustion tubes, and a large retort for making pure hydrofluoric acid, Kahlbaum's mercurial air pumps, Schmidt and Haentsch saccharimeters, sets of Hofmann's and Lepsius' apparatus for lecture demonstrations, complete sets of Orsat's and Hempel's apparatus for gas analysis, spectroscopes, refractoscopes, calorimetric bombs, appliances for electrolytic analysis and for determination of physical constants.
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