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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 81 Fay & Co. jig-saw; one J. A. Fay & Co. jointer; eight teninch wood lathes; one eighteen-inch pattern-maker's lathe; one No. 4 E. Fox trimmer, together with a complete equipment of small tools. The foundry occupies a room 48 by 48 feet in the Metal Shops, and is equipped with a twenty-four-inch Whiting patent cupola, a core oven, and the necessary sand, Iadels, and flasks for making castings. A No. 7 Buffalo steel pressure fan furnishes blast for the cupola. The forge shop occupies a room 36 by 48 feet in the Metal Shops, and contains ten latest improved Buffalo down-draft forges. Blast is furnished these forges by a No. 5 Sturtevant pressure blower, and all gases of combustion are exhausted under ground by means of a No. 9 Sturtevant exhaust fan. COUItSE OP INSTRUCTION Required for the Degree of B. S. in Mechanical Engineering First Year 1. Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry (Math. 2, 4); Elements of Drafting (Drawing, Gen. Eng'g 1); French 5, or German 1, or English 1, 2; Shop Practice (Mech. Eng'g 1); Military 1, 2; Physical Training 1. 2. Advanced Algebra (Math. 2); Descriptive Geometry (Drawing, Gen. Eng'g 2); French 5, or German 1, or English 1, 2; Shop Practice (Mech. Eng'g 1); Military 1, 2; Physical Training 1. 3. Analytical Geometry (Math. 6); Lettering and Sketching (Drawing, Gen. Eng'g 3 and 4); French 5, or German 7, or English 1, 2; Shop Practice (Mech. Eng'g 1); Military 2; Physical Training 1. Second Year 1. Differential Calculus (Math. 7); Elements of Machine Design (Mech. Eng'g 4); Shop Practice (Mech. Eng'g 2); Physics 1, 3; Rhetoric 2; Military 2. 2. Advanced Analytical Geometry (Math. 8); Elements of Machine Design (Mech. Eng'g 4); Shop Practice (Mech. Eng'g 2); Physics I, 3; Rhetoric 2; Military 2. 3. Integral Calculus (Math. 9); Elements of Machine Design (Mech. Eng'g 4); Shop Practice (Mech. Eng'g 2); Physics 1, 3; Rhetoric 2; Military 2. 6
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