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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

78 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 3. Analytical Geometry (Math. 6); Lettering and Sketching (Drawing, Gen. Eng'g 3, 4); Shop Practice (Mech. Eng'g 1); French 5, or German 7, or English 1, 2; Military 2; Physical Training 1. Second Year 1. Differential Calculus (Math. 7); Elements of Machine Design (Mech. Eng'g 4); Shop Practice (Mech. Eng'g 2); Physics 1, 3; Rhetoric 2; Military 2. 2. Advanced Analytical Geometry (Math. 8); Elements of Machine Design (Mech. Eng'g 4); Shop Practice (Mech. Eng'g 2); Physics 1, 3; Rhetoric 2; Military 2. 3. Integral Calculus (Math. 9); Elements of Machine Design (Mech. Eng'g 4); Shop Practice (Mech. Eng'g 2); Physics i, 3; Rhetoric 2; Military 2. Third Year 1. Analytical Mechanics (Theo. and Appl'd Mech. 1); Mechanism (Mech. Eng'g 5); Chemistry 1; Electrical and Magnetic Measurements (Physics 4). 2. Resistance of Materials (Theo. and Appl'd Mech. 2); Steam Engines (Mech. Eng'g 16); Steam Boilers (Mech. Eng'g 17); Electrical and Magnetic Measurements (Physics 4); Elective (1 credit for winter and spring terms together), Mathematics 16, or Chemistry 3a, or Civil Engineering 10. 3. Hydraulics (Theo. and Appl'd Mech. 3); Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (Mech. Eng'g 13); Electrical Measurements (Physics 4); Elements of Dynamo Machinery (Elect. Eng'g 11); Elective (same as winter term). Fourth Year 1. Thermodynamics (Mech. Eng'g 7); Dynamo-Electric Machinery (Elect. Eng'g 3a); Electrical Design (Elect. Eng'g 3b); Telegraphy and Telephony (Elect. Eng'g 6); Seminary (Elect. Eng'g 10); Thesis. 2. Alternating Currents and Alternating Current Machinery (Elect. Eng'g 4a); Electrical Design (Elect. Eng'g 4b); Photometry (Elect. Eng'g 5); Electric Lighting Plants (Elect. Eng'g 8); Seminary (Elect. Eng'g 10); Thesis. 3. Alternating Currents and Alternating Current Machinery (Elect. Eng'g 4a); Electrical Design (Elect. Eng'g 4b); Electrical Transmission of Power (Elect. Eng'g 9); Advanced Electrical Measurements (Physics 9); Seminary (Elect. Eng'g 10); Thesis.
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