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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

DESCRIPTION OF DEPARTMENTS 71 architecture, and designing, forming a most valuable working library for draftsmen and designers. An electric arc lantern is permanently placed in a special lecture room with stepped floor. For use with it, there are 2,500 lantern slides, illustrating the history of architecture, including Richardson's best work, American houses and clubhouses, and European buildings. The University has an excellent working library in architecture and building, and the department has a fine collection of books for use in architectural designing. Apparatus is provided for making tests in heating and ventilation, and for making photographs and lantern slides. The department also possesses a large collection of working drawings, from the offices of noted architects, of residences, offices, United States buildings, and especially of the more important structures of the World's Columbian Exposition. COURSE OP INSTRUCTION Required for Degree of B.S. in Architecture First Year 1. Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry (Math. 2, 4); Elements of Drafting (Drawing, Gen. Eng'g 1); Free-hand Drawing or Modeling (Arch. 20 or 21); French 5, or German 1, or English i, 2; Military 1, 2; Physical Training 1. 2. Advanced Algebra (Math. 2); Descriptive Geometry (Drawing, Gen. Eng'g 2); Free-hand Drawing or Water Color (Arch. 20 or 21); French 5, or German I, or English 1, 2; Military I, 2; Physical Training 1. 3. Analytical Geometry (Math. 6); Lettering and Sketching (Drawing, Gen. Eng'g 3, 4); Architectural Drawing (Arch. 8); French 5, or German 7, or English 1, 2; Military 2; Physical Training 1. Second Year 1. Applied Mechanics (Theo. and App. Mech. 4); Wood Construction (Arch. 2); Physics 1, 3; Architectural Drawing (Arch. 9); Rhetoric 2; Military 2. 2. Strength of Materials (Theo. and App. Mech. 5); Stone, Brick, and Metal Construction (Arch. 3); Physics 1, 3; Architectural Drawing (Arch. 9); Rhetoric 2; Military 2.
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