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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

DESCRIPTION Of DEPARTMENT'S 6j to those who may desire more thorough preparation, either for active political life or preliminary to the study of law. To meet these ends, the work is so arranged that the subject may be pursued continuously for three years. The elementary courses are given every year, while the advanced courses are offered in alternate years. The courses, as a whole, are intended to cover the theory of the state, its organization, and practical operation. PSYCHOLOGY Besides the opportunity offered in this department for scientific training and original research, there is also given a basis for general culture. The student is taught to observe psychic phenomena in himself and in his social surroundings, both individual and collective, and is thus given a standpoint from which to approach intelligently the social and ethical questions which may confront him. The development of mind is traced from its beginnings at the bottom of the animal scale, and correlated, so far as possible, with the evolution of nervous structure. The unfolding of the child's mind is carefully followed from the first days of infancy and traced to the end of adolescence. So far as practicable, the relation of mind to matter and the meaning and value of consciousness as a biological factor are given a place in this scheme. Historically, psychology is treated with a view to giving the student a connected idea of the development of the subject. Its experimental development and recent phases are given special attention, with particular comment upon the probable lines of its future development, and the place in human economy which it aims to fill. RHETORIC The courses at present offered in rhetoric are four, and extend over two years and one term. The object of the courses is not only to acquaint the student with the principles of rhetoric, but to teach him correctness and effectiveness in the use of English. In the first year's work a text5
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