Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

DESCIUPTION OF DEPARTMENTS 61 into two groups and given in alternate years. The courses are designed to cover as large a field as possible in the literature of the subject, and to present all disputed matters from different points of view. Minor courses in sociology are provided for in the department. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE The courses are designed to give a continuous view of the twofold subject from the earliest times to our own clay. In the junior and senior years double courses are offered, so that students, having had the fundamental work of the sophomore year, may, if desired, confine themselves either to philology or to literature. The aim in the study of literature is to approach the works of an author from the philosophical, emotional, and esthetic, as well as from the merely linguistic and historical points of view. FRENCH (See Romance Languages, p. 66.) GERMAN Four years of instruction are offered in this subject. By alternating the work in the third and fourth years, provision is made that students whose knowledge of the language at entrance enables them- to begin with the third year's work can pursue the subject throughout their course. The work of the first and second years is intended to give the student the best possible reading knowledge. In the second year an opportunity is offered those whose special interest in the language is as a tool in scientific or technical studies to read scientific works during the winter and spring terms; but ability to translate readily and accurately is, in all cases, especially emphasized. The work of the third and fourth years consists of a critical study of the classic poets and modern writers, and of lectures in German literature.