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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

EXPENSES BOARD The University does not furnish board, but there is a large number of suitable private places in Urbana and Champaign, within walking distance of the University, and easily accessible by electric railway, where students can obtain table board and rooms. There are several students' clubs at which the cost of meals is about two and a half dollars a week. The Business Manager and the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations of the University will aid new students in procuring rooms and boarding places. FEES The TUITION IS F R E E in all the University classes for matriculated students. THE MATRICULATION FEE entitles the student to membership in the University until he completes his studies, and is.. .$10 oo THE DIPLOMA FEE, payable before graduation, is 5 oo THE TERM FEE, for incidental expenses, is, for each student, except in Graduate School 7 50 THE TUITION FEE, for all special students (except in music), and for pupils of the Preparatory School, per term, i s . . . 5 00 Music FEES.—Students enrolled in the department of music only, pay no matriculation fee or term fee. They must, however, pay the following music fees: FIRST TERM SECOND TERM THIRD TERM Piano, Organ, or Voice $25 00 $20 00 $20 00 (Two lessons a week.) Piano, Organ, or Voice IS 00 1200 1200 (One lesson a week.) Violin or other stringed instrument. 21 00 16 00 16 00 (Two lessons a week.) Violin or other stringed instrument. 11 00 9 00 9 00 (One lesson a week.) Harmony, counterpoint, fugue, etc., in classes not to exceed four, $6.00 per term. (264)
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