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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS MUSICAL CLUBS 253 These are described under the School of Music. ZOOLOGICAL CLUB The University Zoological Club is composed of advanced students and instructors in the zoological and physiological departments, together with such other biological instructors and advanced students as are interested in its subjects. Its sessions are devoted to the presentation and discussion of abstracts of recent biological literature and of the results of investigation by the members of the club. It meets weekly in Natural History Hall. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES FOR WOMEN HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS No course of study is specifically outlined in household economics, but there are certain courses offered regularly, a combination of which affords the student a fair training in some branches of the subject. Such credit is given in each course as the work done justifies. The following courses may be mentioned. 1. Bacteriology (Botany 2). 2. Chemistry of foodstuffs (Chem. 5c and 18). 3. Physiology. 4. Household Decoration. Architecture 18. 5. Designing of Residences. Architecture 15. THE FINE ARTS Drawing and Painting.—Four years' work is offered in drawing, modeling, and painting. Music.—Full courses in vocal and instrumental music, including piano, organ, and violin, are offered. As in the case of drawing and painting, students may pursue the study of music by itself.
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